Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To The Far Left: You've Lost It

I'm a mainstream moderate to liberal Democrat.

The other day I was listening to Pacifica Radio, as I sometimes do to catch up with what is going on at the left fringe of the political spectrum.  For those that aren't familiar, Pacifica is a left-wing radio network with several stations in California, New York, and DC, probably most famous as the carrier of the news and comment program Democracy Now.

The topic at hand when I tuned in was an interview show about UFOs.  Now, there are actually fascinating psychological and sociological insights into the UFO and alien encounter phenomenon these days, so I was hoping the show would head in that direction. 

But instead, the host and guest talked about how UFOs and alien encounters were totally real.  In fact, the guest had had many such encounters himself, complete with gobledeegook about how 'electromagnetic fields' around the aliens caused his watch to malfunction and hair to stand on end.  The host and the guest then went on to shock even my jaded ears with a new insane conspiracy theory that I've actually never heard before: 

See, many people including myself are amused by the way that supposed alien encounters so often involve an anal probe, as though these transcendent beings capable of interstellar flight and communication just can't overcome a serious dirty banana fetish.  But what these Pacifica people had to say about that was that the anal probe stories are actually a government conspiracy - a disinformation campaign, a false flag operation of sorts - to sew doubt and ridicule about real alien encounters, like the kind the guest apparently has all the time. 

People at the CIA cooking up anal probe stories and then hiring (or brainwashing?) tens of thousands of people to go out to the media and claim them?  It was absolutely as insane (and inane) a conspiracy theory as anything one could encounter on the Far Right these days.  Glen Beck or Alex Jones could do no better.

On this blog we have often remarked that the Far Left and the Far Right have become quite similar.  But what I have concluded now is that the Far Left has now even dropped any pretense of being different than the Far Right.  No more "reality based community", and not even claims thereof!  And as goes rationality down the drain, so goes human rights and other pillars of what once defined the left.


I first became acquainted with Pacifica radio around ten years ago, and it seems that as of then the Far Left still saw itself as in the tradition of enlightenment liberalism, albeit a harder core version.  In those terrible days after the 2000 election fiasco and the post-9/11 Bush worship by the media, it seemed a bastion to me.  They did the reporting that other media outlets didn't, and there was even a science show called Explorations hosted by Physicist Michio Kaku that I loved. 

However, I was able to witness the descent to madness in real time.  By 2004 I stopped listening for any reasons other than oppo-research of the type mentioned above.  To my disappointment the network was peddling the fiction that John Kerry was no better than Bush, and in a hip-hop style sound clip they played repeatedly, someone ranted about how they couldn't vote for Kerry because "he doesn't look like me."  Can you imagine a less liberal, less enlightenment thing to say, let alone highlight??   Again, this is identical speech to what one would encounter on the far right, about Obama.  Already by then, they had begun to be interchangable.

My next witness of descent was via Daily Kos.  What started as a roughly mainstream forum which may have pioneered the phrase "reality based community" has now become a place where most people enthusiastically excused cop (and civilian) killer Christopher Dorner, where one encounters the exact same rhetoric in regard to Israel and Jewish Americans as one would find at a far-right website, and where Hugo Chavez is lionized.  I see no difference between how they equivocated and ultimately excused Christopher Dorner and how a far-right group would excuse and accept a domestic terrorist who was murdering abortion providers.  There is a lively and lengthy debate today on Daily Kos about whether North Korea or the United States is worse.  Most people are picking the United States.


So what does the Far Left stand for now?  Do they stand for anything in the liberal tradition of enlightenment and human rights?  Do they care about gay rights?  Women's rights?  Abortion rights?  Racial harmony?

The answer is a big fat 'no'.  Witness the Far Left's embrace of Hamas and Hezbollah, the most genocidal, misogynistic, and homophobic societies on Earth (and the word 'homophobic' doesn't really capture it because these societies don't fear gay people, they just torture and kill them).   Think I'm exaggerating with the word 'embrace'?  Here's what Judith Butler, a professor of philosophy and queer theory at UC Berkeley and widely respected and quoted voice of the Far Left had to say on the matter:
"Understanding Hamas/Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the left, that are part of a global left, is extremely important."
 This is the same Hamas that executes gays, tortures political opponents, doesn't let women and girls participate in sports, advocates for the genocide of the Jewish people, and believes as fact a notorious antisemitic hoax from 100 years ago.  This should be the OPPOSITE of what it means to be the left.

But instead the Far Left has embraced Hamas, just as they have embraced the Iranian regime, Hugo Chavez, and anyone else, no matter how regressive and oppressive they are.  The sole qualification is whether they are hostile to the US and/or Israel.  They will also embrace any ideology, no matter how illiberal, if it is somehow in opposition, again, to the US and/or Israel.  Witness the UFO anal probe conspiracy theory I discussed at the outset - I'm sure the primary appeal of it is that it is a way to blame the US government for something

This has absolutely nothing to do with the traditional values of the left.  The contemporary Far Left has a ton of rallies, and has dedicated a ton of editorial content to anyone or thing opposed to Israel, and anything having to do with either Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, or the M.O.V.E. siege.  But where are the rallies against female genital mutilation?  Where are the editorials against the way that gays are executed in Saudi Arabia and Gaza, and subjected to 10 years imprisonment in Jamaica?  Where is the outrage at neo-Nazi language in their very own ranks?

Hell, they don't even give a damn about Tibet anymore.  Because the Dalai Lama is just a leader who wants a gradual transition to independence and freedom for people, not a macho terrorist who wants to blow up America - how borrrring!  Listen to Pacifica, or read Counterpunch, or browse Daily Kos and you will hear or see nothing about Tibet.  For years.  In contrast, Israel is bashed and illiberal Islamists and dictators are championed every hour.

If you haven't checked in on the Far Left in a few years I suggest you do so, because you will probably be surprised.  It is not a bunch of peaceniks and hippies.  It is now the domain of hard core haters and paranoiacs, and people absolutely on a mission to destroy Western Civilization - even the liberal parts.  Actually, especially the liberal parts. 

As a mainstream Democrat, I wish that the Far Left was just a more left-wing version of mainstream liberalism, so that it would put me and my beliefs right in the center of the Overton Window.  But instead, the Far Left has become something completely different, and completely disgusting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks.

      I guess when it comes to antisemitism it is important to distinguish between legitimate differences on Israel (note I hate to use that phrasing because it is so corrupted by the anti-Israel haters) and real antisemitism and/or anti-Zionism. For instance, a serious proponent of the two-state solution at the '67 borders may be viewed as mistaken by a more hawkish person, but it would be over the line to consider that person antisemitic.

    2. That is a great point fiz....

      This is a growing problem both here and in Israel where the term "anti-Semitism" is now being defined in Rightist terms. SO, to call people that want to have peaceful negotiations "anti-Semitic" is nonsense, but, it seems to happen. Hey, I was called anti-Semitic on some blog the other day.

      Go figure.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think what we are seeing fiz, is a marriage of the hard right and the hard left. I am not so sure that they are different any more. Look no further than the Hard Left's embrace of Ron Paul.

    When I was in college we talked about the "Political Circle" where the Left goes so far around it meets the Right, AND vice versa.

    That is what we are witnessing today. When someone like Judith Butler (a revered figure of the wacky left) defends Hamas as a progressive force, you know they are seriously out of touch. I mean just the other day, Hamas officials would not let women run in a race as it is seen as immoral or some such nonsense.

    STILL, to say the whole progressive movement is subject to this is nonsense. It is however, fair to say that the Hard Left is doing it's best to hijack the progressive movement.

    @ oldschool... IF you persist in your personalizing this crap to this blog I will delete your fucking comments here and now.. last warning. Just shut up and deal. If you want to post here (and you seem too), you absolutely need to stop taking shots. I am not going to argue with you either. Period. End of Story. If your next comment says anything about complaints here - it is gone. No discussion about it.

    1. Can't disagree with you here fiz... I think the Far Left has decided it is all about hating the U.S. and supporting anyone who wants to do us harm.

      Interestingly enough, the Far Right has sort of backed of it's patriotic thing and gone harder towards the Libertarian wing. It's "'Murica furst, but if 'Murica won't do what I want it too then it's my little hole in the wall community furst!!!1111!!!"

    2. Agreed wholeheartedly with the political circle.

      But one of the things I am seeing lately is that the Far Left has started to drop even the pretense that it is different than the Far Right, or that it subscribes to liberal values. For instance I don't think that ten years ago they would have openly embraced Hamas as "part of the left". They would have admired Hamas in secret while mildly condemning it in public (the way that people like David Harris Gershon still do when they think that mainstream people are listening). But now they have no problem putting it all in the open. Destroying America and the West is their goal, and anything else (science, women, gays, the environment) is just a tool to be exploited or sacrificed on the way to that goal.

    3. Absolutely, that is exactly right. The Far Right is becoming less patriotic and more individualistic or tribal.

      There is a wonderful symmetry. The Far Right is in the process of dropping the pretense of being pro-American, and the Far Left is in the process of dropping the pretense of being liberal.

      These two facades were really the only thing keeping them apart (the Far Left being anti-American and the Far Right being anti-liberal). Therefore, they may soon 'officially' merge.

    4. BINGO! This... is right.

      I would hate to see that "merge" although I think we see it in things like support for Iran and other "anti-Capitalist".

    5. I don't think any comments should be deleted here. But let's try to keep them on the issue at hand. Will the Far Left and Far Right "officially" merge? Or will the current trajectories be arrested by something?

    6. Fiz... that is my policy going forward. "Blog War stuff" (like the last comment) is gone. There are plenty of places to have that and here is not one them. Ok... that's that.

      I don't know what can or will arrest the process of extremist politics. It seems that as the technological revolution moves forward and people can "personalize" their sources of information, they tend to do just that.

      For my own part, I try to read news sites that I think are reliable and from that I can form my own opinions. At least that is how I base what I write.
