Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crazy Rightists of all stripes agree... President Obama should not visit Israel

This would almost like this could be from The Onion but, it's not. It is interesting to see though when the Lunatic Fringe's on the Hard Right and Hard Left totally agree on something (which of course makes those moderates feel that much more that they are right). But as the President gears up for his trip to the Middle East the nutty comments come out of the bag and for the most part, they all agree on one solid principle. They believe that President Obama should not go to Israel.

An anti-Obama image posted on the Facebook page of Palestinians for Dignity (photo credit: Facebook image)

From the Lunatic Fringe on the Right, we have this:
Until we have a new administration it's best that Kerry and Obama and Hagel stay away from Israel.

These people cannot do any good because they simply do not understand Jewish history in the region and have no honest sympathies for those of us who live there.

They still believe that the reason that so many Arabs want to kill Jews is because the tiny Jewish minority are mean to the overwhelming Arab majority.  This is what "progressives," including "progressive Zionists," tend to believe.

The best that we can hope for is that Barack Obama will not cause even further damage than what he has caused already.  But I would not count on that.
Never mind that "progressive Zionists" think nothing of a sort except in the fevered minds and demented imaginations of the Lunatic Fringe, this is sort of fun to see. Even when this piece is written by an American who strangely talks as if he was Israeli - by saying <em>"Until we have a new administration"</em> (weird because in the U.S. we do have an administration). and that the President has <em>no sympathies for those of us who live there</em>.

It is interesting in that it assumes that the Presidents efforts to re-start the Peace process between Israelis and Palestinians are "damaging".

Of course, Lunatic Fringe on the Left has the same feeling saying:
A Palestinian grassroots group is planning demonstrations against expected American pressure to resume what it called “useless” negotiations.

“You are not welcome in Palestine,” read a meme on the Facebook page of Palestinians for Dignity, designed to resemble an immigration stamp in Obama’s passport.

Another satirical image on the page displays the US president as saying in Arabic, “American support for Israel is sacred and we must help it remain militarily superior.” An angry protester in a photo below responds in English, “this is a Welcome kiss from the Palestinian people, dog,” as he hurls a shoe at Obama, an Arab symbol of disdain
Rumors that Obama intends to visit the al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount persisted on Tuesday. In an op-ed titled “Receive Obama the way Sharon was received,” published Monday on Hamas’s news website Al-Resalah, columnist Mustafa Sawwaf called on Palestinians to confront “Zionists” on a daily basis ahead of Obama’s visit to the city.

“Palestinians everywhere should begin their activities with direct confrontation with the Zionists in preparation for Obama’s visit, even if this entails martyrs and injured [Palestinians] until the ominous day of the visit,” wrote Sawwaf.

“That should be the day of battle, the great day of mobilization worthy of the American president.”
So far though, the White House has resisted the calls from both of the Lunatic Fringes and is heading to Israel and Palestine to talk with both the Israelis and the Palestinians. The issue of whether Israel has a functioning government at that time (six days away) is important, but it is also important for the President to meet with various political leaders in Israel and get a sense for where things are going.

Personally I think it would be great of the President spoke directly to the Israeli people and it would be fitting that it be in no better place than Rabin Square so I hope he would do something like that. But in any case, it's good that he is heading to Israel with Sec. State John Kerry. This kind of engagement will only help a very tricky situation. 


  1. This post reminds me of the way The Troubadour would create a title that did not fit the content.

    More discussion about Palestinians and Left than the Right, who perhaps should be thankful to be named. Three paltry links, two to the same article, and NONE to the unattributed "Right wing" voices, which are not exactly hostile.

    The title alone shows an unhealthy obsession on the "Right wing," which seems to be the greatest bogeyman here on a regular basis. In this post it even becomes the equivalent with Hamas, who wants to exterminate Jews, and others that actually want to do harm to Jews and Israel.

    One would figure a Zionist, progressive or otherwise, could discern the difference.

    By the way, I live among tons of progressives where even some Jews blame Israel for Arab hate, plain and simple. They often come off as too smart inside the echo chamber to even care to find out otherwise, and they are often stunningly wrong in their recitation of facts and context.

    This blog also has a fixation in posts and comments to refer to others as lunatics (or the like) regarding matters that are controversial, simply because they may hold a differing opinion in a dispute. Not only is that not progressive, but with all these references, I sometimes wonder if I am lost in a psychology blog.

    Good to hear the WH "resisted" these calls and still plans to go. Yeah, I am being a bit facetious. I wonder when he is there which side will cause more trouble?

  2. (livosh1)
    How unsurprising, volley, that the loonie-tune fringes on both the right and the left are crapping in their pants about the President's trip to Israel. And if there were ever any doubt, then look no further than the comment above. :)

    I am sure it will be a very successful trip, which will no doubt cause the loons to crap in their pants even more.

  3. Indeed.. I think we hurt the fringes "fee-fee's"... But anyway, it is funny to see them both say the same things about the Presidents with a few key words changed. And then they wonder why most American Jews treat them like the plague. Heh.

  4. Decided neither comment was worth a response.
