Friday, February 10, 2012

Santorum claims President Obama helping Iran get Nukes... HUH???

Just when one would think the GOP Presidential field could not get whackier than it already is.... (Ok, ok I realize that is sort of silly - given this group they have a lot further they can go) they up the ante just that much more.

At the CPAC conference these folks are simply trying to one up each other with flights from reality. So what craziness comes out today? Well here we have Rick Santorum ripping out a doozy:

Rick Santorum: Obama helping Iran obtain nuclear weapons

Now this one gets a full Scooby Doo HUH?


"We're throwing Israel under the bus because we know we're going to be dependent upon OPEC," Santorum said during a speech in Oklahoma City. "We're going to say, 'Oh, Iran, we don't want you to get a nuclear weapon — wink, wink, nod, nod — go ahead, just give us your oil.' Folks, the president of the United States is selling the economic security of the United States down the river right now." ....

......Santorum told CNN: "The president fought tooth and nail against putting sanctions on Iran and only capitulated at the end. This is a president who is not standing by our allies, is trying to appease, trying to find a way to allow — clearly to allow Iran to get this nuclear weapon. He's doing absolutely nothing in a consequential way to make sure that they do not get this weapon."

....The Obama administration has rejected Republican charges that it has been weak in its response to Iran and points to sanctions and diplomacy as a cautious but effective way of dealing with a situation that could upend oil markets and the world economy.

The Obama campaign responded to Santorum's remarks by reiterating its position that more pressure than ever has been placed on Iran and that the president has led the international effort to sanction Iran.

Of course as Rick whined:Obama signs executive order freezing Iran assets in US
Obama signed an executive order implementing parts of a new sanctions passed by Congress late last year. The measures block all property and interests of the Iranian government, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and all Iranian financial institutions that come within US jurisdiction
Previously, US institutions were required to reject, rather than block, such Iranian transactions. The measures, passed with wide majorities in Congress last year, also included a requirement for Obama to impose sanctions on foreign financial institutions that do business with the CBI or other Iranian finance firms....
....Senior White House officials are currently studying the measures passed by Congress to find a way to implement them that maximizes pain for Iran, but does not cause a huge spike in oil prices, for instance, that could harm the fragile US economic recovery.
One can make any claim they like regarding whether or not the President has been effective in trying to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, BUT, one cannot say and believe that he is "encouraging" this project without one taking a serious departure from reality.

So, Mr. Santorum seems mad that the President is trying to find a way to penalize Iran for its research into a nuclear weapon but doesn't want to subject either the world or the U.S. economy to a crash that could be caused if something like the Straits of Hormuz were closed or other rash actions.

But candidate Santorum must not care that a major strike on Iran without the International community would most likely kick off a regional war which would in turn threaten a Global conflict, which would most likely at a minimum (aside from the horrors that it would produce for the people of the region) completely crash the U.S. economic recovery.

But then again maybe it is not that he doesn't care - maybe that is what he wants..... remember, he is a candidate for the Party whose one goal is to see President Obama as a one term President.


  1. Santorum is an idiot and a liar. These people are detached from reality.

    I do have one minor quibble. I don't think an American or Israeli strike would touch off a regional war. Every other country around there desperately wants to stop Iran from getting a nuke, so they won't intervene, in spite of what they might say publicly. Iran won't do anything because they can't unless we put in ground troops.

  2. fiz, I do agree with your first sentence. However, those in the ODS camp are supporting him. That's how insane this is.

    As I wrote here I disagree with your quibble. While SOME of the countries would be happy, remember Hizbollah has 40,000 missles and they have a record of supporting Iran. Also P.I.J. would start up their activities. Of course Israel would respond and then what? I don't see the Arab world sitting that one out.

    The IDF, and Mossad have said similar things...

    Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan said in a television interview on Tuesday that if Israel attacks Iran, it will be dragged into a regional war.

    According to Dagan, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas will respond with massive rocket attacks on Israel. In that scenario, Syria may join in the fray, Dagan said on the television program “Uvda”

    I will take their word for it in this case.

  3. (livosh1)
    The shit that right-wing bigots and ODSers make up . . . they are truly nuts . . . and obsessive haters.
