Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why I Vote for Democrats: Jewish Values are Democratic Values

From Reuven - Cross posted at Daily Kos

Every human being is a unique individual.  We are all special.  We are all deserving of respect and dignity.  We all have the right to autonomy.  We all have a responsibility to the community, but the community also has a responsibility to all of us.  Do these Jewish values sound familiar?  They should.  These are, after all, universal values.  Regardless of our cultural heritage or our religious beliefs, we share these values.  These are common values we hold as Democrats.  That is why I am a Democrat and why I believe it so important that we vote for Democrats.

know that I have written on this before, but it does bear repeating — and I will continue to shout it at the top of my lungs so long as some continue repeating the meme that Jews are leaving the Democratic Party.  The reason we are so staunchly Democratic is because our core values are the same as those of the Democratic Party.  A few lines written or spoken by some pundits, and given excessive play in the mainstream media, does not change this fact.  It also does not change the fact that Jewish-Americans remain overwhelmingly Democratic.

Our responsibility to our fellow community members does not end the moment they leave the womb.  In fact, it only intensifies.  We have a responsibility to provide education.  We believe that every person should have a roof over their head and food on their table.  We believe that every person should be able to visit the doctor when they are ill and not worry that it will bankrupt them.  We believe that everyone is deserving of a quality education.  We believe that there is a lifelong commitment from the moment a person is born to the moment a person dies.

This commitment goes both ways.  It is not just what the community should do for the individual.  It is also the responsibility the individual has to the community.  Just as the community has a responsibility to those neediest amongst us, so too does the individual.  To answer the famous question Cain asked of G-d after he killed Abel:  Yes, we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.  And being our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers includes making sure that our government remembers this fact.  There is one party that understands this and there is one party that does not.

Look back through history.  Look to when workers were fighting for the right to unionize in the early twentieth century.  Look to the Civil Rights movement.  Look to many of the members of Congress who have been among the most vocal in fighting for the rights of the poor and the working class and the oppressed.  Jewish-Americans were proudly at the forefront, joining with others because we are taught our responsibility to our fellow human beings from the moment we are born.

In Jewish tradition this is part of the concept known as Tikkun Olam — Repairing the World.  That is what I describe above.  It is recognizing, and acting upon, our commitment to the community.  It is the belief that everyone has basic needs and that for those who have difficulty meeting them we have a responsibility to help.  It is recognizing that we all breathe the same air and drink the same water.  It is recognizing that when we die, we will not be able to take our money with us — and, for those of us that are religious, it is recognizing that G-d will not reward us for any wealth we accumulate, but will instead ask us, “What good have you done with the money I gave you?”

As I wrote above, these core Jewish values are also core Democratic values.  It is why my mom taught me from an early age to be a Democrat and it is why I will teach my own children, when G-d willing I have, that same lesson.  It is because when my mom taught me core Jewish values, she was also teaching me core Democratic values; and it is because when I will teach any children I may have core Jewish values, I will be teaching them core Democratic values.

If you have read my previous work, and you have made your way through all of this, now you should understand why I vote for Democrats.


  1. Great Article Reuven... After watching the poo-fest that is the Republican Primary I can honestly say that I am proud to be a Democrat.

    I don't really know how any sane person can even contemplate voting for any one of the clowns in the Republican Party. I mean one would have to be seriously out of their minds to even consider it.

    1. I disagree that someone would have to be insane or 'out of their mind' to vote for one of the Republican candidates.

      It is sufficient that they have different values and priorities than us. At least one of my uncles and possilby two of them I'm pretty sure will vote for the Republican candidate this fall, and neither of them are out of their minds in any way. In fact they are quite sane, successful, and resonably intelligent people. They are just people who do not prioritize the same things that I do - environmentalism, social justice, federal funding of research, etc... and on some things where they do broadly share my values - such as that everyone who works should be able to afford food, transporation, housing, and health care - they disagree with me on how to get there. It doesn't make them insane, it just makes them mistaken - in my opinion.

  2. fiz - A couple of years ago I would have agreed with you but, now......

    I know many people who will vote for the Republicans and while I may like them, they seem to simply be blind as to exactly what the Republicans stand for AND are not willing to look at facts.

    I get that my comment would rankle you - but the Republicans in 2012 simply do not represent anything except raw greed and a desire to keep President Obama be tossed out of office. That to me is not sane nor is it patriotic. To simply toss aside the welfare of the nation because one doesn't like President Obama is ridiculous to say the least. I cannot and will not respect that.

    If the Republicans actually had an agenda other than giving the 1% more money AND actually had coherent plans other than Tax cuts for the Rich, and privatizing everything, I might agree with you, but they don't. I don't consider that sane. Sorry.

    Your uncles (for instance) may share your values but they are not voting them so what does that tell you?

    1. I agreewith your assessment of the Republican candidates, but not with your assessment of the people who will vote for them in the general election.

      My uncles and other potential Romney general election voters are reasonable people. It is my belief that they are not using their vote intelligently, and are not acting consistently with their professed values. But that action does not make them insane or even stupid. We all do things that would appear to others to be wrong-headed, bad decisions, or inconsistent with our values. I'm sure I do. But doing so doesn't make me out of my mind or stupid.

    2. You're right fiz... Stop being the adult in the room ;-)

      Very well said
