Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ron Paul Wishes Israel Didn't Exist

The title basically says it all.

According to a former senior aide who worked with Ron Paul for 12 years, the 'libertarian' Republican presidential candidate is not an antisemite, but fully wishes that Israel didn't exist.

Mirroring the more 'moderate' anti-Zionist rhetoric that we see on the internet, Paul apparently believes that Israel's creation was a mistake and that it is a burden to America

Paul's view, he said, "is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs."

If this the whole thing is true, it would place Paul in that highly theoretical category that I am always told exists but have never seen much direct evidence of, that of an anti-Zionist that is not an antisemite. Or it is entirely possible that Paul is also an antisemite, given his history of bigoted statements against many groups.

In either case, if true, this shows yet again that Ron Paul is unfit to be anywhere near the levers of power. He would abandon one of America's major allies and trading partners, and a country that shares its values and aspirations, and provides much needed self-determination to the Jewish people.


Also, I have to note that yet again a (big L) Libertarian refuses to live up to what he or she preaches. Libertarians and Ayn Rand heads are supposed to be all about survival of the fittest and letting the marketplace and/or Darwinian logic decide who wins and loses, without compassion or help for the losers. Well, who has won and proved their value in a more dramatic Darwinian fashion than Israel? A tiny country with a tiny population surrounded and perpetually attacked by hostile enemies, they have nevertheless built themselves up into an economic and military powerhouse. If (big L) Libertarians like Ron Paul were actually consistent in their ideology, they would love Israel and want it to continue to succeed.


And lastly, there has been much talk, not entirely unjustified, about how anti-Zionism and antisemitism has crept into some quarters of the progressive movement. Well, now we have an actual Republican Presidential candidate, one who may very well win the Iowa caucus, who has now gone farther into anti-Zionism than any presidential contender in recent memory.

Just like support for Israel is bi-partisan, it seems like Israel derangement is too. Which, for supporters of Israel is a good thing - it means that candidates who want to resonate with a majority of Americans will still have to prove their pro-Israel cred. But it does deflate the argument that the Democratic tent is more hospitable to anti-Zionism / antisemitism than the Republican one.


  1. And considering he could win the Iowa Caucuses.... Really sux for those with ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). What will Bill Kristol and friends do if Paul takes the Republican nomination????

  2. Your very last paragraph is what bugs the Israel derangers. The American People, as a whole, realize that Israel shares our values and realize exactly what Israel is fighting, They also understand why the Jewish People need a state, as, unlike the derangers, they do understand history.

    And, as a Democrat, I very much like the idea of Ron Paul as the GOP nominee. I already see the commercials that would play in South Florida with this, his calls to eliminate aid to Israel and his calls to buddy up with Iran. I wonder what those with ODS, who think that the President is anti-Israel, would do in a match-up between Obama and Paul. Maybe, just maybe, they'd be forced to admit the reality of the situation and the reality that President Obama is pro-Israel.

  3. I'll be sure to shed a tear for him.

    (and, yes, the bug has returned :-( )

  4. I can't disagree with you livosh... I mean I looked at some ODS posts and the best they came up with is that Ron Paul is an outlier.... I mean the man is only running No. #1 in Iowa, and yeah he will fade in the Republican primary but he is no outlier to those lunatics.

    Oh well kinda funny if you ask me.

    Well, when you have nothing... sometimes you just have to make shit up. Heh.

  5. Ron Paul is the most anti-Israel presidential candidate from a major party in years. I'm not sure how extreme Pat Buchannon was on Israel when he ran in the 1992 Republican primary, but it's possible that Paul is even more extreme.

  6. Buchanan was bad, but I don't think he ever said anything along the lines of what Ron Paul said. Then again, Buchanan was never a cult-like figure the way Ron Paul has become a cult-like figure.

  7. (livosh1)
    Pat Buchanan was always virulently anti-Israel, going way back before '92. He was also a proponent of the ZOG theory too. Yep, he's yet another example, one that the ODS crowd would just as soon forget.

  8. My post should have read:

    More extreme than Pat Buchanan? That man is like a Nazi. I think Ron Paul is just a casual racist, Buchanan would fit into a German SS uniform.

  9. I stand corrected, then. Of course, I was only 8 when Buchanan ran in '92 and he was largely marginalized after 1996.

    And the ODS crowd forgets the history of antisemitism on the right in this country.

  10. (livosh1)
    As if we needed even more evidence of the Republican Party rolling out the welcome mat for Israel and Jew haters, today we have Mitt Romney fully committing his support to Ron Paul if he is the nominee.

    Of course, the pathetic ODS crowd will simply ignore this, as it interferes with their sick and dishonest narrative.

  11. Hahaha... Figures. But the ODS crowd will simply say "it's just Mitt, he will say anything to get elected.

    It is fun to watch them spinning to make President Obama look bad, just because his name is "hussein" and they don't want to admit it. What will they do of Paul gets the nomination???? Will they not vote and risk a Ron Paul presidency? Heh

  12. I've explored the Ron Paul phenomenon at TheStreet and Salon, most recently in my column yesterday in which I touched on this: http://www.thestreet.com/story/11357840/1/ron-paul-corners-the-crackpot-vote.html

    FYI, Rand was very pro-Israel, and today's Rand followers detest Paul.

  13. Good article Gary... Thanks for the tip off. I will pass it on.

    I look forward to seeing more of your stuff.

  14. Thanks! My Salon articles appear mainly on Thursday. They're archived at http://www.salon.com/writer/gary_weiss/ (And of course there is my forthcoming book, Ayn Rand Nation: http://tinyurl.com/3unzxl8)
