Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh, Whatever Should We Do About Conservatives Feeling "Left Behind" By Obama's Reelection?

From Ian Reifowitz over at Daily Kos

Note: Here is an article that speaks to something that I feel deeply about (the division in our country).

I submitted a letter to the editor, which I'd like to share here, in response to a recently published New York Times article titled "In Wyoming, Conservatives Feeling Left Behind."

Laura Clawson summarized the article nicely here, along with the key quotes:
In Wyoming—which is 86 percent white, gets the most federal dollars per capita, and gave Mitt Romney his second-biggest winning margin—Republicans are concerned that the country is being overrun by parasites. No, really, according to one conservative publisher and radio talk show host, "The parasites now outnumber the producers." He's not alone: 
"It's a fundamental shift," said Khale Lenhart, 27, a lawyer here. "It's a mind-set change—that government is here to take care of me." [...]
"It spooks me," said James Yates, 46, a self-made businessman who owns 15 restaurants and employs about 1,000 people. "The young vote and certainly the minority vote went toward the perspective of 'What can I get?' Where the government runs everything, it's completely not sustainable. They don't see that."
In my letter, I call out the extremeness of the people who express this attitude. I realize I'm also a bit snarky toward them in the title of this post. Nevertheless, it is not a good thing for our country if a significant chunk of the population feels alienated, in particular if that alienation is tinged with racial identity and racial animus. It's easy and satisfying to just condemn them and be done with it. 
Now, they do have to change their beliefs.  The question is what can all of us -- not just progressives of course, but our society as a whole -- do to help encourage this change. It's a short letter, but I try to offer a path forward. I hope you find it worthwhile:
The Apocalypse is nigh! America is lost! One Republican county commissioner called for “revolution.” Countless others have signed “secession” petitions. This wildly disproportionate reaction to the reelection of a moderately liberal President suggests that these conservatives aren’t just upset about the role of government. Too many on the right are afraid that the new, more diverse America won’t be like the America they remember (or imagine) from their youth. 
Our challenge as a country is to help these alienated, anxious whites realize that the new, inclusive America also includes them. Republican leaders and, yes, media figures have to tone down their rhetoric, focusing on policy disagreements rather than ginning up anxiety about diversity. Democrats have to continue what they’ve been doing, talking about unity and inclusion, just as President Obama did in his Election Night speech. Whatever our differences, we must remain one people.
PS-Please check out my new book Obama's America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity, published last month by Potomac Books, where I discuss Barack Obama's ideas on racial, ethnic, and national identity in detail, and contrast his inclusive vision to language coming from Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh and (some) others on the right. You can read a review by DailyKos's own Greg Dworkin here.


  1. We should exile these conservatives, they don't deserve to be Americans!

    I love how this blog is so totally NOT divisive, is so totally not highly partisan, and does not demonize others in any way!

    1. Ummm I don't see anyone saying that conservatives don't "deserve to be Americans". Please tell me where you see that.

      Oh and as for this blog: Of course it is partisan. You did notice the name before you signed on didn't you: PROGRESSIVE ZIONIST. Should give you two clues.

      The first is that we are generally liberal to Progressive. The second is that we are Zionists.

      See unlike other sites we don't lie about who we are. We strongly support the Democratic Party in the U.S. and in general liberal to progressive Political ideas. Conservatives are welcome to post as long as they make sense, don't lie, and back up their claims in a reasonable manner.

      However, they should not come here expecting that we will necessarily agree with them, because chances are.... We won't. If you want an echo chamber or you want to continue along the path you seem to want to go down, then perhaps our site is not for you and you would be much happier posting somewhere else.

      At the same time we are Zionists which means we are generally Pro-Israel and certainly support the continued existence of Israel as the National Homeland and State of the Jewish people.

      SO... if you are anti-Zionist then you certainly aren't welcome here. The existence of Israel is not a topic we even consider debating. Again there are other sites that would be certainly more to your liking if that is your attitude.

      If you are a Zionist, then please notice our name "Progressive Zionist". See it means that we are to the Center / Center-Left / Left of the Zionist political spectrum. If you want to write racist screeds about Muslims or Arabs.. then I would suggest you find somewhere else to post because while we certainly do not trust the Arab / Palestinian Polity due to their historical track vis a vie Jews, we do not subscribe to demonization and goofy Wingnut attacks.

    2. I have no idea what you're babbling about in most of your insane rant, but...

      So in other words, we are to assume that extreme partisanship and demonization is good when certain folks do it, but not so much when others do it?

      I have that right?

    3. If that's the way you want to look at it... What can I tell you? I don't pretend to be like Faux News. You want pretend "fair and balanced sites" there are plenty of those. I would rather be honest.

      As for partisanship... Yep, we are partisan. So is everyone else in the world whether they admit it or not. As for "demonization"... we blog on what we see based on the comments that are made. I don't think it is demonization to call people lunatics when they justify hate and oppression.

      So look, YES! If you don't like our site, you don't have to hang out at it. No one is forcing you. Okay?

    4. Holy strawman, batman!

      Who said anything about exile?

    5. Only the people planning to self-exile (it's like self-deportation but with more paperwork) to Costa Rica or Australia.

      I can't say as I approve, but I guess they can go where they like...assuming these nations will let them in.

  2. And we are to accept on its face that a blog which regularly posts diaries entitled "Oh, Whatever Should We Do About Conservatives Feeling "Left Behind" By Obama's Reelection?," "Right Wing Jews Are Endangering Israel," and "Lunatic Fringe Scratch their Heads," just to name three recent standouts, does NOT engage in demonization?

    You guys are bigger and sadder liars than the Pallywood superstars. Have a nice evening.

    1. You came over here just to say that?

      Great... Thanks for your input.

    2. (livosh1)
      Volley, this is a great example of the lunacy of the extreme right. They can't come to terms with the fact that their fellow citizens rejected their warped view of the world, and they refuse to entertain the possibility that a personal examination of their views and beliefs is in order. So, instead, they are desperately trying to hold on to their warped sense of reality, employing the tactic of attacking the existence of a left-wing blog. Plainly, the more time they spend attacking the very existence of a left-wing forum (as opposed to considering its substance), the less time they have for coming to terms with the fact that their warped views have been decisively rejected.

      Happy T-day!

    3. Exactly livosh.... They simply can't come to terms with the fact that the world is not quite the way they envision it to be. On the Right, they claim that holding the House (even though they lost eight seats), losing two seats in the Senate, and losing the race for the White House somehow means they actually won the election. It is mind-boggling.

      On the Left, they claim that over 100 dead, Gaza running out of food and medicine, and making sure that top leadership is not running around in public is some kind of victory. It is like the Paulists, they don't understand that running on a platform of Weed, and Gold is not an operating philosophy for running the most Powerful nation on Earth.

      I admit, it is kind of fun to watch them flop.

      Happy Turkey Day to you and yours.

    4. Dear yes: Right wing Jews ARE endangering Israel by trying to use it as a partisan wedge here in America, so I don't know why you are complaining about that.

    5. Am I to believe that you, Yes! are a fair-minded and even-handed non-partisan individual in your online life? Because I don't.

      Stop whining. The Interwebz are full of blogs. Find one that doesn't hurt your feelers.
