Thursday, September 13, 2012

President Obama and PM Netanyahu... Much Ado about NOTHING

So, we had a day of diaries and articles decrying Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu for his supposed challenges to U.S. Electoral Procedures which elicited claims of dual-loyalty of Jewish Americans, bashing of Israel for trying to control the U.S. and other nonsense. We even had one anti-Semitic troll flip out over a movie that he thought was an Israeli/Jewish made film when it turns out that the apparent film-maker is neither Jewish nor Israeli.

Even a diarist here that has a ton of support from the community jumped in and completely messed up the story with a sensationalized headline and commentary to match. BUT... alas for those fired up about this issue. This is simply "Much ado about Nothing".
In brief we had this....

1. Reports yesterday which had President Obama "snubbing" Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu from a meeting in NY

2. The Americans saying there is no "snub", the leaders simply weren't in NY at the same time, however, that SoS Clinton would meet with the Prime Minister and they would discuss what was needed to be discussed.

Of course this prompted cries from the Wingnut Right (paraphrased) of; "SEE the President hates PM Netanyahu and he is friends with Iran"as well as the Paulista Rightist crowd with their babbling about how it was about time that the U.S. stood up to the Israelis.

It also prompted cries from the far-left saying: "HA! way to stand up to TEH EBILZ IZRAILEES" and how President Obama was really gonna show the Israelis "whatfor" in his second term.
Only problem... It was all just nothing.

As Haaretz reports:
Overnight, Netanyahu had held an hour-long telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama, calming things down following reports that Obama had rejected Netanyahu's request to meet when the prime minister visits the United States later this month...... 
.....The White House said both leaders were determined to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and had agreed to continue "close consultations going forward." White House spokesman Tommy Vietor denied reports that Obama had rejected Netanyahu's request to meet in Washington, since "no such request was made or rejected."
And at the same time Prime Minister Netanyahu played down this supposed rift by saying:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu adopted a conciliatory tone one day after his attack on the United States' Iran policy, noting that Israel's "leaders are tested at times of differences with our allies, even our closest allies."
Now... Personally, I am not a supporter of Prime Minister Netanyahu. I support the Opposition Labor Party, but, I don't really see a need for everyone to get all worked up before the whole story came out. How about this... for the supposedly reality based community that we are... we actually base our stories in,.... you know... reality.

We still don't know what really happened though we have both the Israeli and American Administrations saying the same thing. Could this have been a failed attempt by Republicans and those sympathetic to them in Israel to "gin up" a story. Absolutely. It could have. BUT that story has been quickly discredited. So, I would ask could we please just get on with dealing with what actually has happened, particularly in this election season.

Thanks very much.

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