Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Featured Story on Red State: "Quote a Fact Checker, Earn a Ban"

ep... that is the exact wording (WARNING: LINK TO REDSTATE.COM - only follow if you have a strong stomach)
Here is title of this advocacy "masterpiece": Quote a Fact Checker, Earn a Ban from this morning.
Great Headline. Fits in with the Conservative Lie machine that seems to now a 24/7/365 operation.
But then the articles author goes on to state this:
I’ve pretty much had it with the grotesque turn the various “fact checking” organizations have taken. “Politifact” is little more than a bunch of shills, devoid of even the vestiges of integrity, that sling about “pants on fire” ratings to any GOP or conservative politician.
While, I can't totally disagree with him about Politifact although with a very different perspective, there is a reason that Politfact and every other fact checker are nailing Conservatives and Republicans for lying. You know why? Because THEY ARE INDEED LYING. As Robert Reich wrote:
"We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers," says Neil Newhouse, a Romney pollster.....
.......Most political campaigns are guilty of exaggeration. Some distort the truth. But rarely if ever has one resorted to such bald-faced lies - even after they're shown to be lies.
Presumably the Romney campaign continues to make these and other false claims because they're effective, swaying previously undecided voters Romney's way. But this raises a more basic question: How can these false claims remain effective when they've been so overwhelmingly discredited by the media?
According to Reich (and I think he is correct here) the Republicans are hard at work to "bypass" (his word) fact checkers from both the MSM and blogosphere by using three tactics (and read the article linked in SF Gate):

1.Constantly Repeating Lies in T.V. and Media Spots

2. "Shoot the Messenger" - Discredit your critics no matter what so that no one listens to the message in the first place.

3. Use your own Media to produce it's own facts.

All of this we have seen over and over again. Rather than simply facing up to facts Republicans and Conservatives seem to want to do everything they can to avoid them. Now, one of the more well known elements of the Conservative Blogosphere has decided that using fact checkers should get you banned from their site. That in itself is a pretty damning comment. Why don't they simply admit they want free rein to lie about everything at any time?

What is truly baffling to me is how anyone can actually stand up and say that they plan to intentionally lie and 40-45% of the American public will simply vote for them no matter what. I mean I get that most politicians make a habit out of "shading" the facts and I understand how partisan politics make one blind to the realities of one's own side. That said, what I don't get is that when a person tells you that they are going to lie, then lies, that people actually will promote that.

While RedState may not have adopted this policy yet, the fact that a mainline Conservative website is actively considering (it was the "featured story" on the FrontPage this A.M.) banning people for quoting fact checkers is a sad indicator of today's conservative movement.


  1. I'm not sure why you're baffled. This is one of the reasons why Republicans hate fully funded public education -- because when the voters aren't a bunch of ignorant twits, you can't convince them to vote for you based on a bunch of ridiculous lies.

  2. Well I guess I am baffled because for all the talk of being "straight up honest people" these people then get on the net and turn their rhetoric on it's head. I mean, I KNOW there are people that vote a conservative line that are straight up good people and yet their leadership does this and they don't blink.

    I don't get that.

    1. But of course they say they're "straight up honest people." What else would you expect from pathological liars?
