Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Racist Emails and the Republican Base

Cross posted at Daily Kos

SO.... I just got another in a series of racist emails from an old friend (actually one of my best friends growing up and lost touch with -thanks Facebook). Despite my asking him to take me off his mass email list I still get these gems of Republican wisdom. I know that if I really want to screw with him I could simply hit "reply all" but, really, I don't want to do that to him - although that is getting more tempting with each email.
Anyway, I just got one of these today with the accompanying message:

OH MY GOD, THEY ARE LIKE FUCKING COCKROACHES ON A WORLD WIDE MISSION TO INVADE EVERYWHERE. OUR LEADERS ARE SO CONSUMED TRYING TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT THAT THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF ANY ACTION TO STOP IT. GOD HELP OUR CHILDREN AND OUR GRANDCHILDREN. Friends: I don't know if the stats are right on this but, I do know that a lot of gas stations and mini marts/ seven elevens are run by them in New York and the help works 16 to 20 hours a day and lives in the rear of the structure to get some sleep. Those that don't are the leaders liveing in a 2 bed room house owned by an American slum lord along with 6 or 8 other leaders and sleep in shifts. That way you they triple the size of the living space. And this is happening right in New York State.
 Most Unbelievable Thing You Will Ever Watch
 An amazing video, wake up everyone......
Think about what our children and grand children have to look forward to, and it has been done on our watch with the help of our propensity for "political correctness", and tolerance for, and adoption of, beliefs and values opposed to those our country was founded upon. Click on the demographic video.
What is this video that we must WAKE UP with? It is one called  "demographic problem". Now, I linked to it because it is an example of Nazi Like propaganda that is infecting our political discourse. Am I pulling a "Godwin"... I don't think so. A lot of the things discussed in this video including threats to European and American Culture by others as well as the rhetoric in the email, exactly mirror German propaganda during the Nazi Era.

Anyway, here is my response:
Wow… Really…. Cockroaches?
You know xxx – there were people that said this same kind of stuff in the past. They were called Nazi’s. They used to talk about the “Jewish Threat” to the world and destroying their “pure culture”.
So let me ask you… This racist little video talks about a Demographic problem. OK… so what does it suggest we do? I noticed that they don’t have any suggestions. Perhaps we should have “camps” or special areas for Muslims? By the way, how will you even be able to tell who is a Muslim? I mean, Islam is a religion. What does a “Muslim” look like?  Perhaps we need a special badge or marker for Muslims? And then once we can identify them… what do we do then?
Now then, how do we stop them from breeding like “cockroaches”? Should we enforce sterilization?
Or were you thinking perhaps we (and Europe) should simply deport our Muslim population? I mean even if they are born here (a country founded by those seeking FREEDOM of Religion) they are Muslim so I guess they can’t be American? Right? Maybe we can take away their right to vote, or own property, or use our schools?
I mean what do you hope to accomplish here with this video? Just to tell people something about Muslims? Ok, why? Just to spread info? Ok… what do you hope people do with this information?
You know… next time I want Nazi Propaganda (because that is what this is), I will just go to their websites. I don’t need to have it sent to me. Really next time, you think.. “Man, xxx would love to see some hateful nonsense”, pretty much put that thought out of your mind. Personally, I am more worried about the a-holes who voted down the Buffett Rule, the Republican war on everyone’s freedoms (well except for the poor, oppressed Rich folks), and the non-stop asshatery of a party that wants to turn our great nation into a third world shit pile where plutocrats “rape” our environment and population so that they can have even bigger houses and more yachts while the rest of the nation burns.
Here is what I don’t get. Why are you so afraid of these people? I mean personally I realize that you are not, but in a general societal sense you are, as they represent someone “different”. People from the MENA that come to America pretty much blend in with the rest of us. They came for a reason.. to escape from oppressive conditions in their home countries, or for the good old American reason of earning a buck. Both of those reasons were why the original Europeans came to America. So what if the guy next to me worships “Allah” instead “YHWH”  or  “the Holy Father” BFD. As long as he doesn’t try to create or pass legislation that affects my right to freedom of worship or my rights as a secular citizen then, why should I have a problem with him being a countryman? I don’t.
Thanks but really… no thanks,
Why do I tie this to Republicans? Because the guy who sent this to me is a major donor to the Republican Party (over $ 200,000) AND I have heard this rhetoric from hardcore Republicans before particularly in this election cycle. As one told me (and I don't know why the hell they tell me this crap unless it is because they know I am a pretty liberal guy and they just want to piss me off - but still....)
One guy told me that my party (The Democratic Party) was the party of "Losers". When I asked what he meant his comment was "You know, minorities, homo's, the 'Pro-death' crowd, Feminazis, enviro freaks...". I sad what the hell... "The party of "Losers"???? What is this High School and it's popular stereotypes vs. everyone else? Oh and the person who told me this.... Republican donor and spends time working in the field.

THIS is what we are up against this November. This is today's Republican. This is today's Conservative, THIS is today's "values voters" whose values are completely antithetical to everything our country stands for.
Next time, these assholes bring this shit up to me - I am going to press them on just how un-American their ideas actually are. I am tired of playing nice with these assholes. THIS is what creates and drives the Fox Nation. Pure, unadulterated hate and fear.

Please discuss.


  1. Perhaps you should ask these Republicans, who I am guessing are Christians, what Jesus would think of their fuck the poor attitude.

  2. Well one is Jewish and one Christian. This email is reminiscent of what I bet I see from the ODS crowd.
