Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Allen West Calls the Founding Fathers Communists

Cross Posted at Daily Kos

A few days ago Rep Allen West (R-Crazytown) came up with a whopper that 80-81 Democratic members of Congress were "Communists". The controversy on this was widely discussed with the addition of Barney Frank's awesome response.

Today on my Facebook feed, Rachel Maddow posted how Allen West has "Gone around the bend" (an awesome turn of phrase) with his silliness regarding his commentarty that 80-81 members of Congress that he called "Communists" (hint, hint - he was really talking about "Progressives") but watch the claims he makes... that the Wilson Administration was Communist (or that it was not far and only separated by a thin line) around :28. But then he goes further, and starts talking about "Nationalizing production" (which yes is a tenet of Communism but is hardly a tenet of American Progressives)

BUT at around the 1:00 minute mark the fun really kicks in: Apparently, the concepts of fairness, and economic justice are COMMUNIST ideas. WOW... who knew? I mean who would have thought that all these years anything to left of outright fascism (a corporate state) is (cue evil music DA-DA- DUM)....COMMUNISM!

BUT, at 1:07... he goes completely overboard. Apparently, (according to West) Communism is about the creation of a secular state. Our founding fathers - well, guess what, they must've been "Commies".

After that, from 1:10-1:19 West gets into the whole War on Women and how the government is forcing it's ideology on the population talking about Women's contraceptive rights.

Of course after that he says: "You tell me that this government is not about nationalizing industry, like the Auto Industry, Cap and Trade....." I mean the EPA, and the NLRB are apparently communists. Who knew?
But West says that he is "Standing by his comment" and that he is calling a "Spade a Spade" (his words).
The craziest thing about this is that West wants to have an argument focused on ideology and ideological definitions only. AND he wants to call this administration Communist. Well, perhaps before he does that he may want to learn what Communism really is and just how far fetched it is to call an administration that has led in the creation of Private Sector Jobs, an administration that has seen the Stock Markets rise close to 6,000 points, an administration that passed the ACA, which puts PRIVATE BUSINESS front and center in healthcare, communist.

Welcome to today's Republican Party. The founders in creation of a Secular State... Commies. Brilliant

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