Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Hating Yourself....

How do people do it? What drives someone so far, that they actually hate the person that they are or the culture that they come from to the point where they would support those who want to annihilate them? What is it about today’s very small but very vocal group of Jewish Israel haters that causes them to turn on their own people? To make excuses for those that would willingly exterminate them? To go so far as to even deny the horror of the Shoah and tell us to “move on” from what happened in Germany a mere 65-70 years ago?

In reading a hateful article at Daily Kos, David Harris-Gershon (also a blogger at Tikkun Daily), writes

“However, the painful truth is this: while Germany as a country and a societal entity has largely (though not entirely) moved beyond the historical atrocities committed by the Nazis, the same unfortunately cannot be said for Israel.”


“The country has been obsessed by security concerns for over 60 years. And it is my view that, because of these factors, Israel has never had a chance to recover from a national, post-Holocaust PTSD that continues to fuel a self-perceived sense of collective victimhood despite its overwhelming military

It is a collective sense of victimhood that has compelled Israel's leaders to perpetually have their fingers on the trigger, and has been partially responsible for the human rights abuses and atrocities Israel continues to commit against the Palestinians.”

 Finishing up with:

“Israel will only become more popular – or, to borrow some biblical phrasing, a greater light unto the nations – once it makes peace with its past and with those Palestinians still held under its thumb.
And those who think otherwise are only contributing to Israel’s decline and the actions that is at the root of the way the world has come to view Israel: as a negative force.”

All I could think to myself is what could Harris-Gershon be thinking when he wrote this drivel?

Now, I believe some background is in order. Harris-Gershon claims that his wife was one of the injured in the 2002 Hamas Bombing at Hebrew University. After this Harris-Gershon then went on to some small bit of notoriety by actually visiting the family of one of the bombers to ask them what had happened and why had this event occurred. It should be noted further he is a full on supporter of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement who also supports the meme that Jews control the U.S. government as he writes here:

“But when the hawkish, "pro-Israel" lobby in America can influence our representatives to sound as if they – well – are representing Israel's citizens more than our own? 
We have a problem. A problem that must be discussed openly and honestly”

and in his Daily Kos signature line posts commentary from Judith Butler concerning anti-Semitism (and remember Butler was the academic who claimed that support for Hamas was a “progressive” value).

This all said, Harris-Gershon’s commentary is disturbing in a few ways.

I believe the most disturbing thing here is that Harris-Gershon demands that Israel “move beyond” the Shoah and that it is “unfortunate” that Israelis (and Jews) can’t do that. That really got to me as Jew. I read that thinking “Wait.. What??? It is unfortunate that we can’t move beyond the Shoah????” I mean it’s unfortunate that Israelis specifically and Jews in general can’t move beyond a relatively recent historical event that was a systematic attempt to destroy the world’s Jewish population that resulted in the deaths of 1/3 of the worlds Jewish population?  I had to ask myself, “What in the world is Harris-Gershon thinking?”

But then Harris-Gershon goes on to further disparage Israelis and Jews when he talks about Israel’s “self perceived victimhood”. Well, forgive me, but having every other country in the region wanting you dead, having the Palestinians continually refusing peace deal after peace deal (and having their last elected government with a charter calling for the annihilation of the Jewish people), and having the U.N. vote negatively on something or anything regarding Israel while completely ignoring far worse abusive behavior on the part of it’s many nations will certainly make some folks “wary”.

It is NOT a collective sense of “victimhood” that causes Israel to act to maintain it’s security, it is 2,500 years of continual abuse that tells Israel and the Jewish people that it (and they) must be vigilant in defending the Jewish people. In other words it is the harsh realities that Israel faces on a daily basis.

Look at Harris-Gershon’s language when it comes to “Cast Lead”. He talks in terms of “Israeli Atrocities”, never once mentioning the thousands of rockets fired into civilian areas of Israel that prompted “Cast Lead”. He never talks about the fact that Hamas launched it’s attacks from the heart of civilian areas and then left the civilians to face retaliatory strikes that it knew were coming. In Harris-Gershon’s world It’s all solely on Israel. It’s all Israel’s fault. All the time.

The next sentence then struck me… It states that it is Israel’s sole responsibility to “make peace” with its past and the Palestinians whom it still oppresses. Somehow, it is implied that we as the Jewish people have done wrong in creating and supporting the State of Israel. Somehow, everything that has gone wrong is on Israel and the Jewish people. WE have to come to peace with what? Defending ourselves from those who want to kill us? What does Israel have to “make peace” with in its history? Its fight for existence? The creation of a Jewish State, the first one in over 2,000 years?

AND where does Palestinian and Arab responsibility fit in with this?  Don’t they have a responsibility to accept Israel for what it is as the National Homeland and State of the Jewish people? I don’t understand how Harris-Gershon, or any of thoe Jewish people that support him can look at this and agree with it. I don’t understand how someone can blame themselves and their people for the hatred and abuse that they suffer.

Finally in a severe twist of logic, Harris-Gershon goes on to say that those who oppose him and his vision are: “only contributing to Israel’s decline and the actions that is at the root of the way the world has come to view Israel: as a negative force”. Here, Harris-Gershon (like anti-Semites throughout history) casts blame on those who would actually stand up for the Jewish people as if to say, that when we deny the framing of anti-Zionists or anti-Semites in some way, we are hurting the Jewish people and anything that results from that is our own fault. 

Harris-Gershon though is far from unique. He is just one of a number of Jewish individuals who seemingly go out of their way to blame Israel and the Jewish people for all of the problems that they may have. These people even go so far as coddle blatant anti-Semitism, as they seem to believe that any ally against their own people is an ally worth having (witness Judith Butler and her support for Hamas). We can see an example of this behavior, by this tepid response when a comment is made in his repost of his article at Tikkun Daily by one Alice LaChappelle who said:

“Israel has “cried wolf” too often. For centuries, Jews’ isolation within countries, their rapaciousness, and obsession with financial control have made them disliked in every country in which they have lived”

To which Harris-Gershon replies:

“Alice, these words — “their rapaciousness, and obsession with financial control” — have no place in a rational, truthful discussion. I’m loathe to reflexively yell “anti-Semitism” as so many do when encountering someone with whom they disagree vis-a-vis Israeli politics, but you are either on the line or have crossed over it.”

 Well, for David and others like him… You may be “loathe” to call an anti-Semite an anti-Semite, but dear Alice’s comments are straight up anti-Semitic. They are not “on the line” or even “close to the line”. LaChappelle’s comment is the stuff of Nazi / Hamas propaganda.

So, what I wonder about is what makes someone so hateful of that Jewish part of themselves or of the Jewish people, that they are willing to seek common cause with those who would annihilate their own people. I don’t understand self-hate or the vicious anti-Semitism that exists in the world and when it comes from a fellow Jew… Well that is beyond comprehension.


  1. DHG is an idiot. Thank you for calling it as you see it Volleyboy! Been involved with "meta" for the last few weeks and haven't had a chance to see how the upswing in anti-semitic writing has been progressing on the GOS. Sorry to see that it's still "blooming", and it's interesting to see who the new converts are to the anti-Isreali team. Sad state of affairs over there, thanks PZ --Hey338Too

    1. Are there really new converts, or are they just pretending to be new converts? It is a common tactic of anti-Israel people to flood internet comment boards with "I used to love Israel but now I have seen the light, etc..."

    2. He's certainly not changing minds. What he's really doing is providing cover for hidden Jew-haters to finally drop their masks. That's the purpose he's served since day one, and now that people like us are almost entirely gone, he can go all-out and really fulfill his potential.

      He never would have posted that crap a year and a half ago. He's testing limits and boundaries now, and I'm sure he's far from done.

  2. Thanks Hey 338Too... It's not just DHG - but he is part of a movement of 2-3% of Jews who side with those who want to eliminate the rest of our population

    What is so hard about the Useless Idiot's article is that uses meme's that can be found on hate sites like Stormfront or David or MondoFront. The U.I. is a perfect example of people like those Jews who sought to be "honorary Aryans" cozied up to the Nazi's.

    I don't get how anyone can do that.

  3. Volley,

    We've discussed this before, and I don't agree with the "self-hating" characterization.

    It is evident that Gershon thinks extremely highly of himself. He believes that he is entitled to the life of a writer and public figure. He dreams about Terri Gross interviews and fawning book signings. Gershon is not at all "self-hating".

    He is simply extremely unethical. In order to get from his current state of substitute kindergarten teacher to that land of Terri Gross interviews and fawning book signings, he decided that the path there runs straight through the lefty anti-Israel political scene. It's his trump card, since he's got this whole story of the terrorist act. Gershon is willing to do anything, no matter how unethical, to get there. If that means embracing antisemites and their rhetoric, then so be it. That's why he does it.

    Gershon embraces antisemites and antisemitic rhetoric because he is unethical and single minded in his quest for fame and recognition and a different life. He doesn't do it because he hates himself.

    1. And I totally disagree on "self hate" aspect with you here, fizziks..

      Yes it's true that the Useful Idiot is madly in love with part of himself. His ego certainly allows him these heinous commentaries against his own people just so he can get a bunch of cranky Leftists, Paulbots, and outright bigots to support him.

      That said, he is Jewish (or so he claims and I am willing to believe him) so at the same time he obviously hates this part of himself. He hates this part of himself enough that he is willing to side with those that would not think twice about killing him for who he is or what a "good little boy" he has been... (Like the Nazi's even the "good Jews" got it in the end). AND because of that I come to the conclusion that though one part of himself wishes he could would fellatiate himself all day long, the other part of himself wishes that he didn't exist and thus it is "self hate".

    2. I still have to disagree. UI sees the Jewish part of himself as a very important means to an end. Nobody would give a shit about his terrorist coddling story if he wasn't Jewish. The Jewish part of him is an integral part of what he is trying to do. I don't think he hates it.

      True, he doesn't feel any connection or loyalty to other Jews, but he doesn't feel connection or loyalty to anyone. He's just unethical. There is nothing more complicated to it.

    3. I understand your disagreement and while I agree with your assessment that he sees his identity as a Jew as important, to advance his agenda, I think the other part of him does it because even though he wants the bigots and haters to see him as a "Good Dog".... he thinks to himself that all Jews are bad and he must be punished for that - hence his support for that aspect of himself.

      I think that is his "hate" for himself AND for the Jewish People.

    4. The question is, does he want the "good dog" praise from antisemites because he needs to feel validated by them, or because it means that they might buy his book. If it is the former, then there would indeed be an aspect of self-loathing there. If it is the later, then it is just one unethical entity trying to use other unethical entity.

    5. I believe at this point, it is because he wants to feel validated by them. I think it goes beyond the fact that he wants his book to be on par selling with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"... I think he just really wants these people to write comments like, "I shed tears for commentary and what an open and wonderful soul you have"... or some such nonsense.

      He thinks they are the future and he wants to make sure that when his version of the future arrives, that these folks will look at him as a "Good Dog" and he will happily fiddle while the Jewish people burn.

      No... this is where Harris-Gershon is going:

    6. Well, it is an interesting question. Is he seeking validation (your hypothesis), or Macchiavellian using other people to seek his own ends (my hypothesis). Maybe some of both, since his ends seem to involve not so much money and power but fame and the praise that comes with it.

  4. Rather than debate it here, why not confront him directly?

    1. Not sure what you mean. How directly? Write to him on Tikkun? The guy ignores me and won't reply. He did it when we both used to write on Daily Kos and since I left that site due to the overwhelming anti-Semitic rhetoric that now passes for "conversation".

      The U.I. refuses to answer questions directly. Look at the comments section of the Tikkun article. He doesn't address anyone's concerns except for a weak response to the Neo-Nazi commenter.

      Since he doesn't read my points and won't respond even if he does, what good does writing a comment over at Tikkun do? It does nothing. IF he would like to respond, he is more than welcome to respond here or at Times of Israel. I would be happy to see exactly how he justifies the hate that he spews.

    2. Fizziks certainly has, as have I (though I am not affiliated with this blog in any way). David has a little habit of deleting our comments there lately, though.

      Which is rather interesting, when I think about it. Tough questions from us are unwelcome at Tikkun, yet straight-up Nazi rhetoric is considered... kosher.

      (I may or may not have commented there under 'Shame On You,' for the record. But only because David apparently auto-deletes those posted under my name.)

      Also, why always play on his home court? I think it's fair game to criticize him elsewhere, as well. He wants to be a public figure, after all...

    3. Ahem. I don't think he'll be back on TOI any time soon, after that last appearance of his. Little wonder he clearly holds a little grudge against me...

    4. You don't post a comment to obtain a reply, but to make a point.

    5. If those comments get deleted immediately, then there is no point

    6. I see other critical comments there. But I guess it's better to debate the matter among yourselves as if that will make any difference.

    7. Those comments will be deleted soon enough.

      Anyway, these things aren't mutually exclusive so what does it matter? One can point out Gershon's coddling of terrorists and antisemites, and his pathetic quest to become famous, here as well as there.

    8. Nah, some have been there for a good while. Even if they get deleted, in the time it takes for that to happen, some will see the pushback.

      It does not matter, actually, but what significant purpose does it serve to pile on here?

    9. speaking of, do you have any comment on the substance of the post?

    10. I think my original comment was more important. What was the point of the post? To me, it was to show that this individual is a fraud, for whatever reason. As if it was not already the consensus here? If you do not get the substance of my point, I don't know what else to say.

    11. Then perhaps you should say no more.

  5. As I once said, the position of Neturei Karta spokesperson would be absolutely perfect for him.

    The only difference between Israel's enemies and the Nazis is that today they don't have the capability to commit another Shoah and a strong Israel is there to prevent it. The words 'Never Again' get much of their meaning through Israel's continued existence. It means that there is a place that will take us no matter what. In the 1930's the world closed its doors to our relatives in Europe. Today there is a place that will always keep the door open.

    He might want to be a good little Jew that makes all the Gentiles pat him on the head and tell him what a good little Jew he is. For me, that day is over. I'm a proud Jew. The shtetl is gone. Am Yisrael Chai!

    1. Heh.. that one never gets old (the Netueri Karta line)...

      I was thinking if DHG really wanted to go big he could headline at Ahamdinejhad's next conference on Holocaust denial, or do you think that might be "too close to the line (but not over it)" for him?

  6. (livosh1)
    A couple of thoughts.

    First, I disagree with any comparison to the honorary Aryans who cozied up to the Nazis. I really think that is an inaccurate comparison. I've read nothing that suggests a cozying up to those who act like the Nazis did.

    Second, I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to have my wife be the victim of Hamas terrorism. I think it could easily make me batshit crazy, full of rage and anger, with at least some of that anger ending up being misplaced. And, it might take me years before I could get over it and move on with life. But maybe that's just me.

    So, yeah, he has issues. That is understandable. Who wouldn't? But if his response had, instead, been to become a raging, Israel Thrives, hate-mongering bigot, should he be given a pass under the circumstances? Hell no.

    So, when he now gives a pass to antisemites, suggesting that their Jew-hating rhetoric may not be over the line, he should be called on the carpet for it.

    When he purports to still favor a two-state solution, but enthusiastically announces his endorsement of the BDS movement, a movement that he knows damn well is a bigoted boycott of Israeli Jews with a goal of ending Israel as a Jewish state, he should be called out for his mean-spirited dishonesty.

    And when he publishes a diary that compares the reputations of Israel and (of all places) Germany, and belittles the notion that antisemitism might be a contributing factor toward Israel's reputation, he should be taken to task for such disgusting comments.

    And when he touts, as his thesis, that the terrorist attack on his wife led him to open his eyes to the injustice of the occupation, he is -- in effect -- legitimizing, or at least being an apologist for, terrorism. And he should be condemned for that.

    But self hate? I have no opinion on that. I wouldn't even know where to begin on such speculation.

    1. livosh... I agree and disagree with your post... But being that I just got home from the A's/Giant's game - I am wiped out so please forgive me if I respond tomorrow. You deserve a good answer.

    2. livosh... Ok .. here is where I Disagree and agree. First the disagreement. You say:

      First, I disagree with any comparison to the honorary Aryans who cozied up to the Nazis. I really think that is an inaccurate comparison. I've read nothing that suggests a cozying up to those who act like the Nazis did.

      In my mind Harris-Gershon is just like those people that in the early thirties did just that - cozying up to those that would commit genocide. Look at what he says, he uses all the same language that Hamas uses. He plays to people at DKos that are known Hezbollah supporters. Look at his exchange with Paulbot and fake Jew Little Lulu (who makes anti-Semitic remarks but claims to be a Jew) in agreement with her that the Jews really control the U.S. government. Look at his response on Tikkun to a woman who claims the "rapaciousness of the Jews" makes them disliked throughout history. IF that is not playing to the memes of the Protocols or Mein Kampf please tell me what is.

      That is why I also say that it is Self-hate... look at who he is associating with. So there is my disagreement.

      As to my agreement... It is true, I don't know what it is to have my wife attacked by terrorists - but, I can guarantee you that IF she or my kids suffered in that, I would not hesitate to give them my undying hatred. I sure as hell would not try to "understand them" and then subsequently make excuses for them.

      And no.. if he became a raging right wing bigot who pushed the neo-Kahane line.. I wouldn't give him a pass either, because no matter what happens, pushing for ethnic cleansing and non-democratic solutions is simply unacceptable.

      But yes, you make some very good points here.

    3. Livosh:

      There are plenty of people who suffer life traumas, some worse than having one's spouse injured and ultimately recover, and yet they channel that sadness / rage / fear into productive and good ends.

      There are Holocaust survivors who have gone on to win Nobel Prizes. And look at someone like Jaycee Duggard or Elizabeth Smart - they went through a much worse hell than Gershon or really than anyone can imagine, and yet are now productive members of society not spreading bizarre ideas on the internet.

      Victimhood, especially the peripheral victimhood that DHG can claim, is really no excuse, either for becoming a loony leftie or a loonie rightie. I wish you would rethink your stance on this.

    4. (livosh1)
      Reply to volley: Thanks for the thoughtful response (and too bad there aren't others in this thread).

      I think we still differ on whether it is comparable to cozying up to Nazis. In my view, Nazis are in a class by themselves. The despicable ideas that he has shown sympathy for is just that . . . despicable. But I don't think it compares to the atrocities of Nazi ideology and practice, and any support that was given to that, as you have referenced above. And while his writing is at times really horrible, I have not seen a suggestion of an intent to cozy up to Nazi practices or ideology.

      Now, granted, his writing is technically not very good, so the sloppiness sometimes makes his intent less than clear. But, in any event, while all antisemitism (and expressions of sympathy for antisemitism) are obviously horrible and worthy of the strongest condemnation, what we've seen here isn't really on the level of that practiced by the Nazis.

      And on a practical and strategic level, I think our condemnation of what has been written is more effective if it focuses on the specifics of what he has said, calling it out on its own terms, rather than comparing it to Nazi practices and those that cozied up to it.

      With regard to the characterization of self hate: I have been thinking about your argument all day, but I'm still not there. If you recall, a while back, a commenter on another blog once boasted about how he wrote a letter to J Street stating that he is ashamed to be Jewish. I think that suggests some measure of self hate (if indeed the commenter was being truthful).

      But here, I am having difficulty finding anything that specifically suggests there is hate directed at himself. It seems more likely that the venom is directed at others -- more specifically, those that support the existence of a Jewish state? Because, after all, if a Jewish state never came into existence, or at least ceased existing, then the terrorists wouldn't have a reason to commit their atrocious acts of violence (isn't that the reasoning of those that sympathize with terrorists?). So, while the writing does suggest some measure of irrational hostility toward supporters of Israel (many of whom are of course Jews), I'm still not seeing the self-hate, at least not of the kind in the example referenced above.

      Finally, I think we are in agreement on the rest. If his writings suggested a response to the attack on his wife in terms used at a certain neo-Kahanist hatesite, that too would be irrational and despicable.

      All right, 'nuff said for now. : )

  7. You should have titled this piece of trash as "On hating others". Seriously you have a creepy stalker fixation on DHG. Why is that? Because he has people actually react positively to what he's saying while you rant and rave and people react negatively to your brand of racist ethnic nationalism? Because it seems like that.

    You and your friends (who go after anything that is antizionist or leftwing) have been trashing him for years. In the brief amount of time I talked with him on dailykos I warned him about you all. He said it was ok and he knew that all of you where mere bullies. One thing he didn't know that I told him was that you and Karmafish and all your racist buddies where actively targeting him and talking crap about him on karmafish's blog.

    At first he wanted to expose you all and wanted to write a diary about this. It was so long ago but I think I gave him the advice to not do it since it would be in violation of a dailykos rule of keeping personal stuff from offsite off the site. From then on we didn't talk at all but everybody who knew anything knew what a two faced son of a BITCH you where volley.

    People used to try to reason with you with respect but you and your little troll group never respected anyone. It didn't take a genius to notice that your once comment filled diaries started to get the same 7-9 people talking to themselves like here. It was so evident that your little troll group uprated and downrated in unison that when Kos put in new code, it automatically gave you all NR because of the detected abuse.

    But whatever. You guys only see yourselves as being persecuted and that's what binds zionism for you. That it was despite the other that the jewish people survived throughout the world. Never taking into consideration that is not even half the story. That the Jews, as a people, also thrived because of the tolerance of other people(s) and nations.

    That's sad that all you see is anger and hatred for everyone who isn't like you.

    This whole blog post and all the comments in it are as nasty and hate filled as anything on stormfront (volleyboy1 should know since he often goes there for material). Looking down at Jews who aren't zionists and questioning their worth as a person or people because they don't see eye to eye with you. Writing about how violence against them would be just deserts for not accepting Israel as well. That is just wrong.

    Every year they say anti-semitism is up. What is apparent is that the biggest growing form of it comes from zionism hatred of other jews who refuse to accept it as a part of their identity. This blog post and the various comments in it, with all the violent imagery targeting one man, is proof to that.

    1. Those that react positively are scarily ignorant, as is clear from the comments they make that show how one-sided and ill informed they are. Not to mention the bigotry they practice on multiple levels, as they perpetuate the fraud that they alone are apostles of human rights and dignity.

      The extent to which you are bent shows that you are no less possessed, that you would seek this out, and are no less to be trusted with your comment.

      Beside the fact that you sound like an antisemite!

    2. Doesn't just 'sound like' an antisemite.

      IS an antisemite.

      Choomin actually has the distinction of being one of the very small, miniscule handful of people actually banned from Daily Kos for antisemitism, long before I and a few others there focused on that type.

      And speaking of obsessives. One particular Daily Kos moderator, whom I surely have no love for, agreed with me in private that his profile crossed way over the line, and agreed with me that it should be deleted (especially considering the fact that he'd already long been banned for antisemitism by that point), but of course nothing ever happened after that.

      But yeah, it's good to know that people like Choomin are who David Harris-Gershon rolls with these days...

    3. And yeah, just to stick an exclamation point on it. For the guy who set up a public blog profile like this (on a progressive politics-focused American general political blog, mind you, and not one focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict), to accuse anybody of having a "creepy stalker fixation" on anything, is... well, that's just truly incredible.

    4. Heh... my thoughts on that exactly...

    5. At least he finally came out and admitted that he's been stalking you for years now, volley...

    6. That's true... at least he finally admitted that. I don't know what his obsession with me is but it's sort of funny to see him running around crapping all over himself.

    7. Actually, Choomin just inadvertently agreed with what we've been saying for years.

      Choomin explicitly says that that Gershon is antizionist. Something that is obvious to those in the know, but that Gershon does not admit to when talking to Jews or "peace loving" liberals. Oh no, then he's just against the "occupation".

      And this is the two faced, lying nature of Gershon that has been evident ever since he used to regularly tone down and change the title and content of posts once he got enough recs to get on the rec list. And it is the modus operandi of BDS, who speak of "peace" and "occupation" when they thing that gullible liberals are listening, and then adopt the militant language of destruction when they don't.

    8. Hey Jay can you provide any proof of your claim of my antisemitism? My profile (which I wrote like in 2010 or something is pretty much accurate and comparable to what I said today. I guess the only way you can counteract what I say is to lie like a scum bag.

      I find it ammusing that you would bookmark my profile and reproduce it here and say I am the stalker when This whole blog post is about the activities of one man who you as a group have been stalking and attacking online for over 4 years.

      I also find your side chat twisting of my words to much. Like you think that you can literally change what I said when my comment still stands there for anyone to read its contents.

      It's sad to see that even on your own blog you resort to trolling since you can't defend your hate filled points.

      Not one of my criticisms addressed was here. Just more hate speech and bullying. I guess that is just par for the course for you two faced zionutzis

    9. Hey Choomin,

      As long as we've got you here, what's your opinion of the alien reptile people that secretly rule the world?

    10. Ohoh... Alice Walker time... You know she, and Roger Waters are trying to get Alicia Keys not to play Israel in June. I wonder what she tells Alicia privately. I can just imagine it is something like...

      "Hey Alica, You know the Alien Lizard People in Israel and the U.S. are running the world - so if you go there and hang with Teh Jooz, they will steal your body and pose as you and then make a series of crappy records, thus ruining your career. I know, I read David Ickes' book".

    11. Aaaand an extremely offensive comment has been deleted.

    12. you mean an honest one. It's funny how you guys hate the truth so much your willing to censor it you racist anti-semite zionutzi.

      You and volleyball pretty much went through the wringer of anti-semitic caricatures on this one jew (as well as others in the past) you are stalking and persecuting for YEARS and when you get called on it you delete it and claim it was offensive? When all you are about here is offensive. With the way you use violent imagery to discuss him being murdered.

      Anyway you pretty much proved how much of a hypocrite this site is when you and your pals bitch and moan about having your racist stalker posts deleted and then delete mine because, evidently, you must think i'm being to uppity.

    13. I deleted your post because it was offensive and against the rules. I'm going to leave this last one up to demonstrate your incoherent rage though.

      Also, I let this little gem of yours go by before, but now that I notice it:

      "At first he wanted to expose you all and wanted to write a diary about this. It was so long ago but I think I gave him the advice to not do it since it would be in violation of a dailykos rule of keeping personal stuff from offsite off the site"

      I believe he did write a diary about it. Don't you remember? It was all about how he was getting "choked up" because other people were being big meanies and insisting on pointing out how he kept changing his titles and content. In the middle of all that DHG choking his chicken, MBNYC threw in a devastating take-down.

    14. Hey Choomin... you whine about multicultralism and racism on the part of Israelis, even though according to every poll, a majority of Israelis support a Two State Solution. And then you keep talking about One State, One Person, One Vote... BUT the Palestinian Polity themselves don't support that principle. I mean it is overwhelming. Only 29.3% of Palestinians support a Democratic State where Jews have equal rights.

      Further, did you know that the Terrorist Group Palestinian Islamic Jihad has a 56% Approval rating amongst the Palestinian Polity. Here is the documentation - I mean this is a Palestinian Poll for goodness sake.

      SO.. rather than come after us here why aren't you out supporting Multicultralism and fighting against hatred on your own side? I can't really think of any reason why you would be only focusing on the Zionists... Oh wait.. just kidding... Of course I understand your reasoning.

      But here tell me - why are you arguing for a solution that neither the Jews (and Israelis as a whole) nor the Palestinians want? That really doesn't seem very Progressive OR Democratic to me.

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. Classic Choomin...

      First this:

      You guys are a joke

      Hahahaha then why do you keep hanging out with us?

      Second: Nice try at changing the argument or answering the questions asked you. Given the Political proclivities of the Palestinian population how do you support them if you are all about humanitarianism and multiculturalism. I mean the Palestinians themselves reject your ideas. YET... it's all about the Israelis now, isn't it.

      I wonder why... HAHAHA no I don't really but, I do love watching you squirm.

      So again Choomin, maybe you can explain this contradiction in your insane ramblings... Any chance of that?

      So let me ask you... are you a garden variety Neo-Nazi type or just sort of some LaRouche follower?

    17. Hey Choomie,

      That was a pretty good post that you linked to in your comment. Here I'll paste it back in:

      Nothing racist about it though, so that charge won't fly.

      Anyway, PLEASE tell me that you have something else going on in your life, like an interesting career or a family, something like that. Because if all you have to show for your life is that you stalk Volley and I around internet blogs hurling accusations, that is pretty sad. If you really went to the trouble of making a sock at Daily Kos just to harass us, that is super pathetic bro.

    18. Oh Shit... HAHAHAHA... that's right. This guy made a sock just to harass us... How freakin' pathetic is that? I mean that is so pathetic it goes beyond funny and into hilarity!

      As for the rest, yeah, he is good at flinging poo (mostly all over himself) just to see what sticks, but, notice that our great defender of Multiculturalism and humanism is strangely silent on the fact that side he supports believes by a 70-30% margin that Arabs and Jews SHOULD NOT have equal rights.

      Choomin is great though... I mean, he is a classic example of some self-important bigoted blow hard. AND the more he talks the crazier he sounds. It is too funny.

      I hope that he realizes the sheer entertainment value that he possesses.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Heh... did you even say anything there... Oh no... nothing but, I never answered a thing you said, I just shouted that you are racists.

      Now, do you have an answer for:

      Hey Choomin... you whine about multicultralism and racism on the part of Israelis, even though according to every poll, a majority of Israelis support a Two State Solution. And then you keep talking about One State, One Person, One Vote... BUT the Palestinian Polity themselves don't support that principle. I mean it is overwhelming. Only 29.3% of Palestinians support a Democratic State where Jews have equal rights.

      Further, did you know that the Terrorist Group Palestinian Islamic Jihad has a 56% Approval rating amongst the Palestinian Polity. Here is the documentation - I mean this is a Palestinian Poll for goodness sake.

      SO.. rather than come after us here why aren't you out supporting Multicultralism and fighting against hatred on your own side?

      Rather than spend five paragraphs saying nothing but calling us racists - how about you simply discuss. Can you do that?

    2. I actually addressed them and since you have to continue on the lie that I haven't you simply delete it. I guess you are so insecure in your position that you have to result to active censorship and then pretend to actually respond by repeatedly posting old bullshit on new paper as if it's the ultimate answer to your backwards logic.

      White man's burden indeed!

      The sad thing here is that I actually wanted to discuss with you folk, even though I have a lot against many of you in terms of The way Israel and defended, about something clearly different.

      What erked me into not engaging you in that topic (which is syria) was your recent blog posts. The last time I came here was merely to enjoy the banning of fizziks and read the outrageous responses and then I stopped because I had more interesting things to do.


      You did a lot of stuff to create an acurate impression of being a total racist. The one that really stuck out for me was when Israel boarded and killed 9 people in international waters in cold blood. One of them was American but hadn't lived their for a long time and you, volleyboy1, made a comment that I could never forget. You basically said that it wasn't that big of a deal because he "was barely american". As I am a latino with my mother being an immigrant that was one of the most racist things I've heard on dailykos.

      I really disliked you all for smearing mondowise since it had a lot actual information on the current condition of the conflict. Mondowise let a variety of people post there and that was both a bad thing and a good thing. It had silly stuff like the man who whined about how circumcision was bad and everyone in the comment section mocked him. It had stuff that no other media outlets even showed such as bringing attention to the nonviolent protests against the wall in the west bank.

      What you did was such a dick move and the mods at dailykos, especially that coward meteorblades, buckled under it. Just because you made a diary that cherry picked quotes from a site you frequent a lot, stormfront, with comments at the 2-3 man operation at mondoweise.


      But whatever. I mainly out of boredom came to read other people's thoughts on the subject of syria and the events around there. I actually thought there would be a thoughtful discussion on this site about future implications as well as what is happening. Sadly, I was wrong. Since you guys still are committed to old bullshit on fresh paper.

      In fact, I would gladly write something for an actual blog here detailing the events transpiring there and the implications for the rest of the region if given the opportunity. The only thing I ask is that you would approach it logically and not give out comments like "see how the muslims are savages? they kill their own people!" type bull as well as the censorship of what I write.

    3. Are you kidding me Choomin?

      What kind of Bullshit is this entire screed...

      he only thing I ask is that you would approach it logically and not give out comments like "see how the muslims are savages? they kill their own people!"

      WTF - when did I ever say this. Oh wait, I didn't. You have your blogs mixed up. You actually think I agree with Mike Lumish (Karmafish)??? Are you nuts or just hitting the crack pipe hard. Fuck, you are ignorant. Read this, you fucking half-wit: and Fucking A - do you even read shit?

      As for MondoFront - Sorry it is very similar to the real "Strormfront" not the one that you imagine I visit. In fact MondoWeiss (MondoFront) is often quoted on Stormfront), Heh.... so there goes that.

      As for Furkan Dogan. The guy's family moved to Turkey when he was One Month old. I feel bad for him, but, he took on trying to running the Israeli blockade of Gaza and claimed he wanted to be a Shahid... Sorry, but, when you run military blockades of countries don't expect them to respond with poetry and kindness. FURTHER, the people he supported actually support killing Americans and Eliminating Jews. Sorry, If I don't waste tears on him.

      Curiously, Furkan Dogan is important to you - but how about the 3,000+ Americans killed by those who support the Palestinians and the Palestinians themselves. Does that matter to you at all? Forgive me if I call out your raving hypocrisy here. You want to take sides for those who are America's friends? You should pick Israel.

      You keep conflating me and others here with other blogs - Get your shit straight and then comment. You wouldn't look like such a fucking tool.

      You say you want to talk about Syria - bullshit. Why do I say that? Because if you really did you would see this diary: Do you actually pay attention to anything that is really said?
