Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Progressive Zionist RELAUNCH

Welcome back to the Progressive Zionist (PZ) .... I have decided to relaunch the blog and turn it in a different direction. So with that said:

What is PZ - PZ is a blog about American and Israeli Politics from a Progressive, and Liberal viewpoint.

What are our Politics - Our politics are geared to the Center / Center Left. In the U.S. that means that we are firmly a Democratic (as in the Democratic Party) blog. We generally support Democratic candidates with some exceptions. We are firmly pro-President Obama.

In Israel our support leans towards Avodah (Labor) and Yesh Atid (Lapid). This blog is extremely pro Two State Solution to the Israel/Palestine (I/P) conflict. Our philosophy stems from this:

"The Progressive Zionist supports a fair, pragmatic, and realistic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the two-state solution. We support Israel's continued existence as a Jewish and democratic state, with it existing alongside Palestine, a Palestinian and democratic state, as friends and neighbors. We believe this is the only way forward and the only way to achieve an enduring peace."

What we are NOT- We are NOT a blog that supports Right Wing memes and solutions to issues both in the U.S. and in Israel. We are also NOT a far left blog. We do not support a One State Solution to the I/P conflict from either side (Israeli Right or Palestinian/Internationalist Left and Right). We do not support the demonization of Zionism nor do we support the infallability of Zionism. Further we do not support the delegitimization of the Jewish Peoples right to a homeland in their historic lands, and as such stand firmly against the concept of Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions against the Jewish and Israeli people. Similarly we do not support the continued Israeli settlement of land in the Occupied Territories.

SO... What do we want? We ask that you please keep all of this in mind when you decide to post here. If none of that fits what you are looking for, you are welcome to post in other places. We do respect sincere and honest debate, but, if one does so, we ask that it be polite as well as consistent.

What we want is for people who participate here to have an honest and spirited discussion based on the News of the day. We want realistic discussion with honestly proposed solutions.

Most of all, we want you to learn something from your discussions here.


The admins at PZ.


  1. (livosh1)
    We've missed your posts, volley, and look forward to the relaunch!

    1. Thanks livosh... I am looking forward to doing some serious writing. I hope that others will join me in that venture here.
