Sunday, May 19, 2013

Yet Another Anti-Israel Person Outs Self As Crazy

You can just set your watch by it.  The sequence of events is always like this:

1) A semi-notable person comes out with some anti-Israel speech or act

2) Anti-Israel idiots jizz all over themselves and the rest of the internet with praise for the person

3) The person then demonstrates that they are insane and racist

4) Anti-Israel idiots are silent

The most recent example of this cycle completing is Alice Walker.

Alice Walker is the semi-notable author of The Color Purple (which, ironically, was turned into a major motion picture by none other than Steven Speilberg).  Last year she announced that she would not let that book be translated into Hebrew, boycotting not just a country but an entire language.  She has also stated that she believes that Israel is "worse" than the Jim Crow South, which of course was trumpeted loudly by the usual Useful Idiots in the usual forums.   

So now that steps 1 and 2 have happened, like clockwork it is time for Alice Walker to say something insane and racist.  And on cue...

If you don't immediately understand this rant don't waste too much energy, I'll explain it after.  Here's what she said:

I have been dragging along David Icke’s monumental book: Human Race Get Off Your Knees for the last month.  It has been on my lap as I sat; been propped against pillows as I laid down; followed me to bathroom and poolside; and been, in fact, a formidable companion over these past several weeks.  It is a massive book, and requires complete attention.  Even so, some of it is hard to grasp.  I have felt sorely regretful that my science foundation is so…nil.  I remember that in high school the broken microscope we inherited from the white high school (they got a science lab) did permit each of us in our large class a single glimpse of, I think it was, an enlarged cell of something.  It was pretty amazing,but there it was: my introduction to something David is telling us that is really worlds away from this.
What I was remembering was how [Malcolm X] called our oppressors “blue eyed devils.” Now who could that have been?  Well, we see them here in David Icke’s book as the descendants of the reptilian race that landed on our sweet planet the moment they could get a glimpse of it through the mist that used to cover it (before there was a moon).  No kidding.  Deep breath!  Yes, before there was a moon! (Oh, I love the moon; can I keep it? Please?).  Anyway, there they came, these space beings (we’re space beings too, of course, not to forget that).  But they looked…. different than us.  And they were.
They wanted gold and they wanted slaves to mine it for them.  Now gosh, who does this remind us of?  I only am asking.  You do the work.  Apparently their own planet needed this metal to continue its, apparently, long life.  Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman – and I am on my knees here in gratitude that he held on long enough to tell us about this – calls them the Chitauri, which has become my favorite word of all time (well, of this time that I’m learning all this): my partner and I go around saying Oh, Chitauri, whenever we get a glimpse of one or two of the Chitauri offspring, aka Illuminati bloodline families and their puppets, on the telly.  It’s quite the stress reliever, just knowing what we’re looking at.  And I like saying “telly” too, because it sounds so English and David Icke-esque.  Truthfully our “telly” is our laptops.

What she is referring to in this barely coherent belch?  The most obvious part is the "Illuminati" conspiracy theory, and general praise for David Icke, who is probably the most insane conspiracy peddler around and literally believes that the world is ruled by alien lizards.  Just on the basis of the endorsement of Icke alone, Walker has revealed herself to be an insane person with no credibility,

But the other nonsense I detect, especially with the Malcolm X and "blue eyed devils" reference in the context of spaceships, is the old Nation Of Islam tale that the white man was genetically engineered 6000 years ago by an evil scientist named "Yakub" who lived on the island of Patmos.  While Yakub's creation will rule on Earth for 6000 years, true black master race will come back from space in the motherships.

(Side note:  I remember first reading about this tall tale of Yakub when we had to read The Autobiography of Malcolm X in high school.  I thought there is no way that anyone actually believes that, but alas, they do.  It was my first in a lifetime of encounters with far left anti-science lunacy.)

It is difficult to say whether Walker is explicitly endorsing the Yakub fable or simply giving it an approving nostalgic nod.  Either way, and when combined with the other nonsense like the praise for David Icke and his lizard people, it certainly outs her as a deranged idiot.  Which of course is what one has to be to say things like Israel is worse than the Jim Crow South.

Will she remain a hero to the anti-Israel set who couldn't praise her enough yesterday, or be dropped like a ton of bricks like they tried to do with Gilad Atzmon.  Time will tell, but at this point all we have from David Harris Gershon and his fellow travelers is the customary silence. 


  1. Paul in San FranciscoMay 19, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    So let me see if I understand Alice Walker correctly (and I should mention, it's not yet noon, so I haven't been drinking booze yet)...

    Blacks are the indigenous humans (oh, how these people love indigenous people), while Whites are the descendants of some kind of alien reptile species that landed on Earth to steal its gold, using the indigenous Blacks (who I'm guessing are the descendants of Palestinians, I mean, they HAVE to be, because the Palestinians are the Apotheosis of Indigenous) as slave labor. What I don't know is whether these reptiles were white to begin with, kind of like the albino alligator at the California Academy of Science (he may actually be the Last Living Alien Reptile Invader!!!), or whether they evolved into non-scaly white-skinned humanoid devils. Also, where do the Asians fit into this?

    1. The Palestinians have been living in the same spot for literally trillions of years. Before the Earth was formed, before the Big Bang even, Palestinians were there, residing in harmony on egalitarian organic olive farming cooperatives with open matriarchal lesbian families. From them descended all Africans and the more photogenic Latinos.

    2. Oh for G-d's sakes... Just awesome... Wow, Walker is buying into Icke's theories? Why doesn't she just commit herself now.

      Interesting thing... I wonder how Icke explains that the Human Race (White, Black, Asian) can interbreed? Oh wait.. I am sorry I just asked.

    3. Paul in San FranciscoMay 19, 2013 at 3:28 PM

      Some of the best sex I've ever had has been with a half-human-half-reptile Alien colonizer. I think it has something to do with the forked tongue.

    4. See... I told you that I was sorry I asked.

  2. Well, since none of youze thought to ask him, I figured I would.

    I asked our friend David myself, but it appears my comment is caught in 'moderation.'

    Let's see if it's ever published.


    JayinPhiladelphia Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    May 21, 2013 at 12:06 am


    I seem to recall you’re an admirer of Hebrew-boycotting author Alice Walker, David.

    What do you make of her late love songs to looney-tunes antisemite (and bigot of numerous other flavors) David Icke?

    I assume you’ll be on this imminently, right? And with the very same teary-eyed, shivering righteousness you reserved for solidarity with her the first time, no?

    1. Excellent point. I was thinking to myself where on Earth could one at least attempt to make one of these reflexive one-sided anti-Israel people answer for the twisted endorsements they give. But you remembered it - the Tikkun blog. (Let's not forget that the people on that blog are apparently not actually affiliated with or endorsed by Tikkun, as we learned in a convoluted way...)

      I just tried my own comment there and it got through no problem. Yours must have been flagged by a verboten word, and my guess would be "antisemite". Heh.

    2. eh, never mind, it has since been deleted, apparently.

      It's just the classic Gershon response to any contradictory information: pretend it doesn't exist. All I did was ask him if he still believes that Alice Walker is a voice that is to be trusted on political matters.

    3. Ha! Yeah, I just checked. On the off chance he may have actually had something to add to the conversation. No such luck.

      He deleted our comments.

      David is so brave.

      I suppose that since you and I both have more intelligence in one of our toenails than he does throughout his entire body, the appropriate response from his end is simple deletion.

      We've clearly asked an uncomfortable question, for which he clearly has no answer, so... POOF!

      I'd actually decided to give him a bit of a pass lately, but after this stunt, he'd better hope he doesn't show up in Philadelphia or Newark (or NYC) for an appearance once his stupid "Jihadis tried to kill my wife and I want to show I'm a Good Dhimmi by trying to understand their motives!" book comes out.

      Because I can guarantee I'll now be there to raise these very same uncomfortable questions he hates. In public, and in places he can't simply delete things he doesn't like.

      He'd probably be best served sticking to places like Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Sheboygan on his tour... ;)

    4. I followed up.

      May 21, 2013 at 3:40 pm
      David, wouldn’t a simple answer to serious questions be a more appropriate response to same than deletion?

      For somebody who clearly wants to be a public figure, you sure do have an amazingly thin skin. I don’t think this augurs well for those you may meet over the course of your “Jihadis tried to kill my wife and I want to show that I’m a Good Dhimmi by trying to understand their motives!” book tour.

      I realize you’re not even remotely in the same league as fizziks and I, intellectually, but deleting our questions is just bad form.

      You can at least pretend to care about responsible discourse, can’t you David?

      If not, why don’t you just stick to holding forth at, say, a TGI Friday’s on the outskirts of downtown Pittsburgh, at which the typical Friday night bar crowd is more to your level?

    5. And my follow-up comment has been deleted already.

      What an angry tool.

    6. Ha! I've apparently been banned from commenting at Tikkun.

      I left a follow-up comment to my follow-up, expressing my concern to David that he seek help in dealing with those who ask him questions he doesn't like, and upon hitting submit, my comment immediately disappeared.

      First website I've ever been banned from commenting on.

      (I haven't even been banned from this one, apparently, though I've certainly admittedly sometimes been a dick to its proprietor!)

      Good times. Heh.

    7. Wait, his book is coming out? Since when?

    8. I thought one of youze told me it was in the works last year?

      Don't know for sure, but I'm assuming some idiotic outlet will buy it and put it out sooner or later. If it hasn't already.

      If it isn't out in like two years, I'm sure he'll be approaching Fatah or Hamas by then, anyway...
