Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sometimes, you just have to say that.

 There are just some people that you read what they said and you think... "WHAT AN A-HOLE".

That is it, very simply put. There really is not much more to say about these folks other than... "What a complete, and total waste of space" when referring to this person. Who am I talking about? None other than well known "Truther", self-hating Jew, and all around C.T. monger, U.N.H.R.C. Official Richard Falk.

And just Why is Richard Falk such a completely useless human being?

Well he did post this cartoon at his website (and check out the time here as well):

And he did have this to say about the Ayatollah Khomeini
"The depiction of him as fanatical, reactionary and the bearer of crude prejudices seems certainly and happily false."[36] Falk wrote that Khomeini's "entourage was uniformly composed of moderate, progressive individuals,"[75] and that "having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on nonviolent tactics, Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country."[76]
Though apparently Falk later "changed his mind" and called the Iranian regime, the most oppressive regime since Hitler.

Then there is this:
In 2002 Falk wrote on Princeton Divestment's website that "to divest from companies profiting from business with Israel at this time is to express solidarity with victims of massive crimes against humanity and to call upon Israel to respect U.N. authority and the elemental rules of international law by withdrawing from occupied Palestinian territory."[88]

In a June 2007 article, "Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust", Falk compared some Israeli policies with regard to the Palestinians to the Nazi record of collective punishment, warning that Israel may be planning a Holocaust in the same way Nazi Germany did. Identifying himself as a Jewish American, Falk stated that his use of the term 'Holocaust' "represents a rather desperate appeal to the governments of the world and to international public opinion to act urgently to prevent these current [Israeli] genocidal tendencies from culminating in a collective tragedy [for the Palestinians]". Falk also stated that "the comparison should not be viewed as literal, but... that a pattern of criminality associated with Israeli policies in Gaza has actually been supported by the leading democracies of the 21st century." Falk argued that Western and Arab states were associated in a "pattern of criminality" akin to states which let Hitler oppress German Jews in the 1930s. He also denied that Hamas was a terrorist organization and that it was always ready to work with other Palestinian groups towards "acceptance of Israel's existence", called Israel's disengagement from Gaza a "sham" in which 300 Gazans were killed since Israel's "supposed physical departure", and stated that Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip had brought Gaza to "the brink of collective starvation, imposing a "sub-human existence on a people" through "collective punishment, and that Israeli policies were "indeed genocidal".[5] In late December 2009, Falk again criticized Israel's blockade, and called for Israel to be threatened with economic sanctions if the blockade was not lifted.[89]

In April 2008 Falk compared Israeli actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis and responded to criticism of his statements saying, "If this kind of situation had existed for instance in the manner in which China was dealing with Tibet or the Sudanese government was dealing with Darfur, I think there would be no reluctance to make that comparison." He attributed the reluctance to criticise Israel's policies to the sensitive history of the Jewish people, as well as the state's ability to "avoid having (its) policies held up to international law and morality".[90]
HOWEVER.... Not to be outdone for his pure asshattery... Falk had this to say on April 21st rambling screed about the evils of America and how we actually somehow deserved the Boston Bombing.
The war drums are beating at this moment in relation to both North Korea and Iran, and as long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.
Now at the start of his second presidential term, it seems that Obama has given up altogether, succumbing to the Beltway ethos of Israel First.
ahh the old dual loyalty smear - it never really gets old. 

and then this:
The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world. In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen, especially if there is no disposition to rethink US relations to others in the world, starting with the Middle East.
 Bombing a marathon IS NOT "resistance in the post colonial world". Falk is saying in so many words that "America had it coming" and frankly should not have been surprised.

To that I say... NO! No one had it coming. The terrorist attack in Boston was exactly what it was.. an attempt to terrorize normal American citizens in order to influence policy. The Tsarnaev brothers simply went out to kill Americans with some encouragement from radical al-Qaeda clerics.

Someone should explain to Falk that "resistance" does not mean killing innocent kids at race. It doesn't mean carjacking people. Those are not legitimate targets of "resistance". The fact that Falk calls this attack "resistance" is telling in it's own right.

Anyway... sometimes you just have to say... "What a complete and total a-hole" about certain people. Richard Falk... is one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm hmm. People likw Richard Falk, Juan Cole, and Glen Greenwald should have lost all credibility by now. But they haven't, because people like their echo chambers.
