Thursday, August 16, 2012

"These are YOUR people" - Yes we are ALL Americans

The other day an acquaintance and I were discussing the election and when he dropped a bomb on me and in effect summed up the Republican position in a nutshell. Now a little background here. This guy is a hardcore Republican supporter who constantly repeats whatever talking point Drudge, Limbaugh, Cavuto, or Malkin happen to be parroting that day. Today it was that Biden will be out as the V.P. Who knows what tomorrow will bring....

Anyway, so this brings us to the other day and a conversation we were having about the election. Now I always knew that the Right has racism in their agenda (either because the President was African-American or because they think he is a MOOSLIM - snark there) but, I guess this brought it home. Here is VERBATIM, exactly what he said....

"You might win but let's look at who's on your side. You have the 'Pro-Death Crowd', the minorities, the inner-cities, the illegals, the gays, crazy women... I mean of course you are going to get a lot of votes but look at who's voting for your guy, These are your people."

Now look at this.... This is some "down deep" stuff. This apparently is what spins the Right Wing machine. Hatred of the "other". Anyone who is not a White, and Male (and /o r "dutiful" women). I mean when they talk about "taking the county back" this is what they mean. They mean taking it back to pre-civil war days when pretty much everything was done by white, land owning males. It's like the last 150-200 years never happened.

Of course, they won't admit to that and they will point to the handful of "good" minority voters and/or supporters who will join their cause. I have known the guy who told me this for years and he has never acted in an unfair manner towards any one. SO when he said this... POW! I was floored. I never realized quite the amount of bigotry that seemingly good people can hide.

Of course this explains a lot. How people can ignore the lies, double standards, and outright hypocrisy of the Republicans so that they can justify their votes that way. G-d forbid they would ever admit to their racism and/or fear of others. I see this daily in the fight for the "Jewish Vote". People playing on the fear of Barack HUESSEIN Obama. Even though, Mitt Romney has said he would do EXACTLY what the President has done (of course never admitting the President has done those things), the lunatic fringe of supporters there have gone as far as to claim the President is a racist. Here was one disturbing quote from the nutty right:
The problem, once again, is not the fact that Jews live and build housing for themselves in Judea and Samaria, but that racist western progressives, like Barack Obama, believe it is.
Once again trading on simplistic fear meme's to make their points.

OH and as an answer to the comment: "These are your people".... Even though I am a Middle - aged , middle income, White guy... I proudly said: "Yes they are my people. We are ALL Americans. Not just some of us."


  1. (livosh1)
    I commend you, volley, for your repeated attempts to reach out to the ODS crowd and other haters, trying to engage them in a rational and constructive manner. Their incredibly hateful and ignorant rhetoric is more than I can stomach. Kol hakavod for taking on the hate.

  2. Yeah... livosh. I tried to reach out to the ODS crowd but there is just too much nuttiness there. I mean you can't talk rationally with these people. It's everything taken to the way too furthest degree.

    You should see the hatred and drivel now especially with their newest convert. But anyway...

    Luckily the crackpot vote is still a minority of voters. If the President can hold them off, we will be ok for I believe a long time to come. If the Republicans win... Sigh.... I guess we'll get a feel for what America was like in 1880.
