Hey folks...
I am giving up PZ. My friend fizziks is going to take over the name and run the blog.
I simply don't have the time or the will to do this anymore. For me it is a fairly useless exercise. Of course that doesn't mean I won't be posting (if fiz lets me) and I will definitely be commenting but I am suffering from a bit of burn out here.
Honestly, I was accomplishing absolutely nothing writing here. Nada, Zero. I am not Israeli and as much as I love and care about the country, I am almost certainly not making Aliyah. I love the United States, a nation that took my family in from Russia and Romania when Jews that were in those nations didn't get many breaks. My father was an officer in the U.S. Army and served during WWII (I was born when he was older). So really if I am going to be political (and I am) I need to focus my writing on issues here at home about things I care about, issues like Global Warming, Gun Control, Healthcare, and frankly doing my part to get Democratic, and Liberal politicians elected (I really like Elizabeth Warren, and pretty much there is no Republican out there who can get my vote given how insane that party has gotten).
Do I still care about Israel? Very much. Do I still care about Israel on-line advocacy... to a degree. Frankly, there is no one out there that really represents what I would like to see as a result. AIPAC is too much to the Right for me, and J Street really has simply become a mouthpiece for anti-Semites and anti-Zionists despite their repeated claims to the contrary. I thought they were the "good guys" because I like their platform, but, since they don't live up to their platform with their deeds and allow anti-Semites and anti-Zionists a platform to speak... I am not interested in being part of their movement.
All that said, I am simply tired of the extremes (both Left and Right) taking over the arguments on line when really no one except the whacked out fringes of the political spectrum are posting. The Right Wing simply lies and continues to post those lies as if they were fact hoping that somehow by saying something enough it will turn into a truth. These people have no interest in offering up any solutions, it is all just "I hate the Left and President Obama so much...." Just another healthy dose of Obama Derangement Syndrome and a refusal to offer a solution or even present a factual argument.
As for the Hard Left.... That is all just "We Hate America and Love Teh Irans". These fools just spend all day slobbering over anyone who goes after the U.S. and the West (by extension Israel) no matter how fucked up they may be. They too offer no solutions and when presented with evidence of their brazen hypocrisy, they simply dismiss it.
In a nutshell, the Rightists are deranged liars, and the Hard Leftists are deranged hypocrites. It boggles the mind and it is a fairly toxic mixture to deal with on a day to day basis.
SO rather than continue this charade I am done. Instead of writing article after article which sometimes get read and sometimes not, I am going to focus on real life stuff like working on my Krav Maga (currently going P-5 to G-1), and getting good at Tactical Shooting. I only have so many years left for this kind of physical activity so it becomes a priority over the "blah, blah, blah of the internet".
Anyway, for friends of this blog... Thanks for being part of it. I hope we can comment here together under fizziks banner. Your comments and articles were greatly appreciated even if we disagreed. I think that we showed that there can be fact based discussions on both sides of any issue and that if people stuck to facts they could have productive discourse.
For my opponents out there - it really is too bad that you were too fucking stupid to read anything that we wrote here, because honestly you might have learned something and you would have been challenged to face up to your ideas. But c'est la vie... you couldn't be bothered. So keep on keepin' on with your deranged hate or hypocrisy... You do know that most people are not paying attention to you, right?
So peace all... and tomorrow when you see this it will be fizziks blog.
Amen brother. This part needs to be screamed into the ears of many:
ReplyDelete"For my opponents out there - it really is too bad that you were too fucking stupid to read anything that we wrote here, because honestly you might have learned something and you would have been challenged to face up to your ideas. But c'est la vie... you couldn't be bothered. So keep on keepin' on with your deranged hate or hypocrisy"
This goes for both the "OMG Obama SUPPORTS Hezbollah because he said he might not want to drop 100 nuclear weapons on Syria and he's a Muzzzlim anyway!!!11!" crowd and also the "OMG America and the West are the WORST and I can't stand it when I dribble too much pachuli on my indigenous Palestinian bunny pantsuit" crowd. Truly it is clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right.
ReplyDeleteSo, volley, this is it. The end. Done. Time to pack it in.
Can't say as I blame you. You've more than earned the right to move on.
One thing I found interesting and incredibly refreshing about your writing. . . you were constantly evolving. Sometimes you jumped to the left and sometimes it was a step to the right. But whichever direction you moved, it was the result of really digging into -- and struggling with -- the complexities of the I/P issues. Your posts were always enlightening, because you recognized there were no easy answers -- and that it wasn't all black and white, as the extremists, hypocrites, and haters (on both sides) would have us believe. Even when your views drifted away from mine, you always gave us something to think about, and (in your own way) challenged us to dig deeper and reassess our previous views and positions.
So . . . well done, thank you, and see ya 'round in other venues.
Thanks livosh.. .coming from you those kind words mean a lot!
DeleteOf course, I will still be around on TOI (rarely) and I may start up my own Progressive / Pro-American / Pro- Liberal blog discussing American issues and not just whining like the Greenwalds of the world but actually discussing solutions and issues. I will keep you informed.
Anyway... thanks for being a friend and I know it is a friendship that will continue.
Best wishes, Jon. If I recall, we had a difference or two (heh), but I always read your writings, and probably agreed with you more often than not.
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself, man.
Thanks Jay... I am sure you and I will run into each other here...Fizziks is going to be running it so... I am just stepping back my level of involvement.
DeleteLately, I have been appreciating your stuff more and more regardless of our past disagreements.
Jay... One thing I have to add... You are tearing it up in DKos with some straight up call outs. Very very nicely done!
DeleteThanks. I see that one antisemite in particular (AoT) is still drooling idiotic nonsense, so I just had a go at him once again. Perhaps if I can keep them busy smacking them around on the internet, and tie up the time they'd otherwise potentially use burning crosses in front of synagogues, it's worth the combined twenty minutes or so of every day it takes to deal with them.
DeleteBut seriously, don't these people have anything better to do with their time than endlessly screech lies about Israel? Truly pathetic...